"Shooppinggg time!!!" Louis yelled as we make our way to the first store. I slip through the door Zayn had held open for me, and took a glance around the store. 

                "Guys, this is a girls store. What are we doing here?" I ask, confused with the four boys that had been excited to shop, at a girls store? I looked at all their wardrobes to see if they normally shopped at girls stores, but they were all manly. 

                  "Well, we may have left out a minor detail..." Liam said, trailing off at the end.

                  I scrunched my eyebrows, looking at them curiously. "What do you mean?" I ask.

                  "We know you are a terrible shopper, no offense Bri, but you know it's true, and you hate to go. So we thought maybe we'd take you shopping, and find you a dress for the awards show tomorrow...." Niall's voice trailed of into a whisper at the end. My jaw dropped. He was right, I hate shopping, and I'm not the best at it but I also don't like award shows. They make me insecure because of all the gorgeous girls surrounding me, and I get a headache from the bright flashes exploding into my face. I always make an excuse for Harry not to take me, and now i'm being forced?!

                   "No! No way guys!" I say shaking my head viciously and walking out the store door. I hadn't looked where I was going because of the vigorous headshake and slammed into a body. Thanks god I held my balance this time, but my head throbbed from the slam and shakes. 

                       "Ummm, let's get out of here!" Louis yelled, as I heard all of their footsteps spead up. 

                  "What do you mea- oh shit." I slip out, staring at the red haired man. 

                  "Um, hi Bri." His once beautiful voice, now rough and ugly to my ears, spoke. I took a step back grabbing for something, not knowing what, just needing to hold something for security. I found Niall's shirt, and squeezed a wad of it within my fingers.

                  "It's Sabrina." I say in my most angry voice possible. 

                  "You know, you used to be nicer to me. Especially when you kissed me." He said with a devious smirk, and I leaped, hoping to punch him straight in the jaw, but my arms were caught by Louis and Niall.

                 "Haha, fiesty." His voice was sinister and humorous, making me bawl my fists yearning to hurt him. 

                "Get the fuck away from her Ed." Zayn's deep voice was full of anger and persistence. Before I could even think to say anything flashbacks of him flashed into my head.


         Ed: Hi, how about we go get that coffee? Meet me in 20 minutes? x

        "Ed Sheeran just texted me. Should I go have coffee with him?" I ask, resting against Harry's baseboard. He turns to me from his closet, with a questionable look.

          "I guess, but he better not win over my girl!" Harry said sarcastically, and I laughed in responce. 

          "Or I can stay and help you pick out your outfit for the interview." I say, and he turns back around to meet my eyes.

          "No babe, it's alright, go with Ed. I'll see you tomorrow alright?" He said walking over to the bed to kiss me. I scoot to the end of the bed, pulling in his head of curls and kissing him softly. 

         "Alright baby, I'll text you!" I say, sliding off the bed and slipping on my shoes. 

      To Ed: Alrighty, see you in a few! The one on Fleet right? 

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