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     I reach the dorms, and take a deep breathe. This has been the most amazing day of my life, and I haven't even made it in the room! I reach for the handle when it swings open and knocks me down. Gosh, what's up with me falling today? I know i'm a clutz but twice in one day? 

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry darling! I was just headed out to meet my boyfriend. I didn't even mean to knock you down!" She said while reaching down to help me up. Wow, she was so much prettier than the photos iv'e seen. No wonder she's dating the one of the World's most famous pop stars. 

"It's fine, really. i'm your roomate! My names Sabrina, and your Eleanor, correct?" I said, knowing completely that it was Eleanor. 

"Oh hello! You're really pretty! Yes, I am Eleanor" She said with a big smile. Did Eleanor Calder just cally me pretty? The gorgeous model? Maybe she was just being nice. "Well I have to go, but I will  be back later tonight! Feel free to unpack and get confortable. We can chat tonight! Cheerio" She waved goodbye and left. 

   I dropped my boxes on my chair and looked around. The room wasn't too big, but not too small either. I could see by her decorations she was a mahor girly girl. With pink frilly bed sheets, vogue, dolgi and gabana, and louis vitton pictures posted on her bulliten board, and her closet spewing out clothes. Our room is definatley going to clash...

     Eleanor came through the door just as I was settling down into my bed and pulling my laptop on my lap. She came in with a huge smile, clearly she had a great night. 

"Hi Sabrina! So, now that I'm back I want to her and know all about you!" She was still strutting a huge smile. "Oh and nice decorations. I love the posters! My friend Harry loves the Ramones!" She said pointing to my poster above my bed. I gulped, a bit taken back. I forgot that she knew the boys.

"Really? Yeah, our sides of the room are a bit different, but I think it looks pretty good." I said with a laugh. And then began telling her all about my life. She told me all about hers, and I instantly felt a bond between us too. We cracked jokes all night, and I knew we were going to be good friends. This is really going to be an exciting year...

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