Chapter 1: Under the Apple Tree

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- Friend's Pov -

I remember the first time I met him. About 3 years ago... when I was studying under Beacon, I was one of the freshmen.


I was at the cafeteria eating alone... until I was approached by Cardin.

Cardin: Hey, Country boy!

I sighed internally and continue to ignore him.

Cardin: Don't give the silent treatment, buddy... Hey, are you gonna eat that?

Friend: I--

Cardin: Thanks!

He took my entire lunch without care.

Friend: That's--

Cardin: Is there a problem?

Friend: ... No.

Cardin: Good. By the way, I don't have any cash left, can I borrow yours?

Friend: But you just--

Cardin: I'm not asking you. I'm ordering you.

I sighed in defeat and gave him all my Lien.

Cardin: Catch ya' later, Country boy.

The painfully patted my back, leaving me alone.

Friend: ...

???: Jeez, you let that doofus do that to you...?

I turned to my left to see a senior.

???: If it were me, I'd kick his ass.

Friend: ... Easy for you to say.

He stood up, sat in the opposite.

???: So. Freshman?

I nod.

???: I see... where's your team?

Friend: Over there.

I pointed behind him, they were sitting far away from me.

???: Why aren't you joining them?

Friend: I don't know them.

???: Hmm... say, that girl looks hot.

He was talking about my childhood friend, Tifa.

???: Have you tried asking her out?

Friend: N-No!

???: I'm sensing some issues here... Do you know her?

Friend: Yes...

???: Have you talked to her?

Friend: No...

He then gave an annoying smile.

Friend: Why are you smiling...?

???: You like her, don't you...

Friend: What!? No! Were just teammates.

???: Really...?

Friend: Yes!

???: Eh. Fair enough.

He stood up and did a little bit of squatting.

???: Name's (Y/n). You?

Friend: ... Cloud.

(Y/n): So... where are ya' from?

Cloud: ... Nibelheim. [In Sanus]

With that, he let out a small chuckle.

Cloud: How about you?

(Y/n): Me? Gongaga.[In Anima]

With that, I too let out a chuckle.

(Y/n): Hey, what's so funny about that! Do you know Gongaga?

Cloud: No, but it's such a backwater name.

(Y/n): Ditto Nibelheim.

Cloud: Like you've been there.

(Y/n): I haven't, but there's a Dust Crystal Mine there, right? A Dust Crystal Mine outside Vale usually means...

(Y/n)&Cloud: White Fang.

With we both let out a chuckle.

???: (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Oh, I gotta go. Catch ya' later!

He stood up, reached in his pockets and threw a packed Bread.

(Y/n): I was supposed to save that to someone else, but you need it more than her.

He waved goodbye leaving by myself.

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