Part I: Leopard

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Vixen Vigilante leaned against the building, feeling the cold night air brush against her scarcely exposed skin as she waited for the intel to appear.

Her surroundings were extremely dark; the moon blotted out by heavy, looming clouds that threatened to burst at any moment. The only reason she could see were the night vision goggles fitted over her mask, giving her a detailed vision of even the nooks and crannies of the ground beneath her feet.

The goggles also gave her heat signatures, allowing her to see any threat within a twelve mile radius.

There was no one.

Her onyx boots were practically invisible against the cracked asphalt. The thick ebony suit she wore hugged her body tightly, insulating her cold body and simultaneously protecting her from gun and stab wounds.

Her leather cape was a midnight black that cascaded down her shoulders. The mask that adorned her face, however, was a solid purple, the only part of her attire she never changed.

She tapped her boot against the asphalt as mild impatience began to take root. Tonight was a simple mission: reconnaissance.

Her normally bright attire was exchanged for her noir suit, one she used for missions that required immense stealth or a low profile.

After five more minutes of waiting, she sighted a small, unmanned drone hovering in the sky.

She watched as it paused about a mile or so away, as if waiting for something. That was her cue.

Vixen grabbed the grappling hook gun at her waist and aimed for the ledge of the building she had leaned on moments before. The metal wire pulled and she jumped, giving her body enough momentum to run up the side of the building, using the metallic rope as leverage.

When she reached the top, she released the grappling hook and eyed the drone.

As part of the agreement, the drone containing the intel she desired would self destruct in three minutes, corrupting the information within and leaving it indecipherable.

She had to be quick.

Standing on the ledge, Vixen eyed the narrow gap between the buildings before she inhaled deeply and took the leap, rolling into the landing before she quickly stood and ran over the expanse of the closely knit rooftops.

Her boots hardly made a sound as she ran quickly, her eyes fixated on the target.

When she reached the drone, she watched as it hovered precariously for a moment before it glided low enough for her to grasp it.

She gripped it gently as she took the hidden USB, her mental calculations telling her she had about one minute before the miniscule drone would die.

She pocketed the USB and set the drone to the rooftop, stomping the mechanical delivery beneath her boots. It sparked for a moment before it died, the whirring of its blades slowing to a halt.

With the USB secured, she mentally marked the mission as a success.

Next time she would just fly, although she avoided using her powers on reconnaissance missions. Not relying on her powers improved her stamina and would be good training if she encountered a foe with power numbing capabilities.

Running across all of those rooftops was a nuisance she hadn't accounted for.

Vixen startled at the sudden sound of thunder overhead, eyeing the darkening sky through her goggles.

She used her power of levitation to gently float to the ground, immediately beginning a run to the nearest shelter.

Two minutes later, she found herself in front of a convenience store, hiding from the sharp rain that had pounded against her body only moments before.

Vixen VigilanteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant