Volume 2, Chapter 5 - "Negative Corruption"

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(Michael Kalka's P.o.V)

After we had gotten everyone safely evacuated from the New Domino High School, putting the pieces together on what my brother was doing became even more complicated. Still, I was happy we were all able to make it back to the Resistance Base in one piece. I couldn't get that Inti out of my head though, he had my HERO Deck and I was willing to do anything to get it back! All I could piece together was that Kyle needed the three Egyptian God Cards and the Millennium Items for his plans but it seemed like he had forgotten all about them. Maybe he already had all of them, maybe they weren't that important after all, I didn't know! I was walking down the corridor back to my room when I bumped into Adam of all people!

Michael: "Oh sorry Adam!"

Adam: "No no... my mistake. I'm actually glad I bumped into you Michael... I want to give you something."

Michael: "Really? What?"

He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. It was a Spell Card with an army of medieval knights charging into battle on it.

Adam: "I noticed that your Deck uses Warriors, like mine, so I thought that maybe this card could be of some use to you. Reinforcement of the Army."

Michael: "Wow. Thanks Adam."

Adam: "It's ok..."

Michael: "So... we're cool?"

Adam: "Yeah... you're alright kid."

Michael: "Kid? You're the same age as me. Hehe."

Adam: "Anyway, I've got to get going... umm... I'm off to practice at the Duel Field."

Michael: "That's ok. Bye!"

He then walked away back down the corridor and I continued my path to my room. I laid down on my bed and soon drifted off to a much needed sleep.


(Nigel Doki's P.o.V)

Nigel: "Constellar Pleiades' ability now activates! By consuming one Overlay Unit, he returnes your Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair to your hand!"

Shadow Duelist: "What?!"

Nigel: "Pleiades! Direct Attack!"

Shadow Duelist: "NO!"

Shadow Duelist (LP 0)

The Shadow Duelist then collapsed in front of me as another stood to take his place! There were way too many for me to handle alone so I did the one thing any decent person would have done. Ran away! I heard their footsteps and I guessed that they were close behind me so I hid in a dark alley while they completely ignored the alley and kept running, completely missing me. I decided to go to the docks so that I could get at least a few moments of peace. However, that peace was short lived as I saw another man in a black cloak appear before me.

Nigel: "Aw come on! Give me a break!"

???: "You must be Nigel Doki, I've been watching you for quite some time."

Nigel: "Who the hell are you supposed to be? You wanna Duel freak? You wanna screw with me? You wanna screw with Nigel Doki?! Huh?!"

???: "Don't worry my friend. I'm not here to Duel you. I'm here because I need your assistance in a personal matter."

Nigel: "I'll never help any of you! You took our homes and families from us! What reason is there for me to join you?!"

???: "Well you see, we both share a very common enemy."

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