almost an hour

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"Why aren't you ravishing me yet?" Kurt asks, cuddling closer to Blaine in bed as he tries his best to keep his eyes open, even when he can feel himself losing the battle. "It's not every day we get to have a sleepover, and I don't want to waste this opportunity by actually sleeping."

"Are you sure?" Blaine asks, petting at his back. His hand is warm through Kurt's shirt and it's not exactly helping Kurt stay awake. "Because your eyes are closed and you barely made it through that without yawning."

"Shhh," Kurt says, squirming closer as Blaine's fingers brush down over the curve of his ass. "Mmm, see? You know I'm right."

"Just because we're going to bed together doesn't mean we have to have sex," Blaine says, his laugh low as it rumbles through his chest. Kurt can feel heat slowly creep into his belly as Blaine's hand squeezes at his ass, making Kurt ache to be closer, to touch.

"I still wanna," Kurt mumbles, tilting his head up from where his cheek is resting on Blaine's chest to meet his eyes. They're darker than Kurt would've guessed, the warmth that was in them before slowly being replaced with heat, with hunger that Kurt feels too. He wonders sleepily what his heavy-lidded eyes must look like to Blaine because suddenly Blaine is pulling him closer, lips pressing dry and too hard and perfect against Kurt's.

"Let's just--" Kurt doesn't finish, fingers scrabbling at the buttons of Blaine's pajama top, trying to get it open, wanting to smooth his hands all over bare skin. Blaine laughs again but his shirt is hanging open when he flips them, sucking wet kisses over the line of Kurt's jaw as Kurt slides his hands around to Blaine's back, palms flattening and trying to pull Blaine closer.

"You can barely keep your eyes open," Blaine whispers in Kurt's ear, and Kurt would point out that's because his head is tilted to the side, wanting Blaine's mouth everywhere at once, but all he can really do is whimper, the sound choked off and needy. He blushes once he realizes what he sounds like, his cheeks flushing warm with it.

"Blaine, I--"

"Shh," Blaine shushes him, kissing Kurt's temple in a way that's so surprisingly gentle without really being a surprise at all, because it's Blaine. "You can keep your eyes closed. Just don't actually fall asleep, okay?"

"Mmhm," Kurt hums, but his body already feels a little looser when he gives in and lets his heavy eyelids slide shut, pliant under Blaine's hands and mouth. There's so much to feel and everything is warm in that way that makes his stomach coil up tight, makes his hips arch up for more even though Blaine hasn't gotten to his cock yet. Blaine's lips drop to Kurt's neck and Kurt can feel his pulse hammer out a steady beat under the sucking pressure of Blaine's mouth, can feel the ache inside stir and twist impatiently even though his limbs feel too heavy to do anything about it.

Kurt's eyes blink open a few times while Blaine helps him get undressed, and then again to watch heatedly as Blaine takes his own clothes off, his cock already flushed dark and full between his legs.

"Inside," Kurt groans out, fingers flexing over Blaine's shoulders when Blaine pins him back down on the bed, muscles shifting under Kurt's hands as he settles himself over Kurt's body. "Please, I want--"

"You sure?" Blaine asks, breath warm over Kurt's cheek, and Kurt's suddenly embarrassed as he turns his head and yawns. Blaine laughs and rubs his nose over Kurt's cheek, up to his temple. "We can wait until morning, Kurt." Kurt can hear the sincerity in Blaine's voice, that he means every word. Blaine's so patient, so willing to be sweet for Kurt, but right now Kurt's hazy mind just wants him to take.

"No, no, I want to. I want you," Kurt insists, pressing down on the back of Blaine's shoulders to get his body closer, wanting to feel the delicious prickles of heat from their bare skin touching. Kurt drops his legs open as an afterthought, spreading them out and tilting his hips up like an invitation. It has the desired effect and Blaine's groaning into Kurt's hair, pulling away to fumble in his nightstand for the lube.

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