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"I wasn't done with you." Blaine presses to the back of him whispering hot in Kurt's ear as he forces him up against the bar he's been flirting over . The bartender—Kurt never did get his name—raises his eyebrows, taking in the way Blaine's up on tiptoes, leaning in against Kurt's back, arms around his waist, and then moves off to find something to clean.

"Oh?" Kurt manages, smirking down into his glass of punch as Blaine's nose brushes up his neck. He has nothing else to say, no come back, it all just feels too hot all of a sudden.

"Come back upstairs with me?" Blaine asks, mouth open and wet now, leaning forward and over—god he must be right up on his toes—to press his tongue to Kurt's pulse point. "Round two? Please?"

Kurt takes one deep breath and surveys the remnants of the reception. There are three couples left dancing, a few more scattered around the tables. The band is finished and some random iTunes playlist is playing. "Technically round three," be breathes as the barman catches his gaze and raises his eyebrows.

Except there's no one he'd rather have under him on the bed than Blaine. Of course there isn't, there's no one in the universe who knows him like Blaine, who fits against, inside, around, him like Blaine. Kurt shakes his head and blinks slowly, turning his body to Blaine's, finding himself bracketed up against the bar.

Blaine finds his mouth easily and Kurt wonders how many times they've kissed in the last few hours. Making out, it kind of becomes a seamless symphony of heat, kisses that count because oh god they feel like the deepest touches of all, and kisses that don't quite make it to his mouth. All that time in the car, the moment Blaine caught him up against the wall outside the bathroom, the stolen kisses to each other's necks and shoulders as they hoped no one was looking and slow-danced the night away. In the elevator on the way up to the room Kurt had booked, Blaine growling into Kurt's mouth when he found him already hard under his palm and whimpering. Blaine had kissed him for so long it couldn't possibly be counted as just one kiss. All the kissing in that bed.

They've kissed a lot and this one time, Kurt backed up against the bar, Blaine's mouth hot and open against his, licking into his mouth, is just once more. The shattering of glass breaks the moment and they both pull apart and look over Kurt's shoulder, to where his hand has knocked a pair of empty martini glasses to the floor. The barman yelps, angry and calling for them and Blaine's hand wraps around Kurt's and tugs.

"Come on."

They only make it as far as the hallway outside the reception hall, Kurt pulling Blaine back, into him, over him, up against the wall again and kissing him soundly. "You'll never get enough of me," Kurt mumbles as his hands set to working Blaine's hair loose again, Blaine's hands on his waist, thumbs dipping under the waistband and rubbing hard over his hipbones.

"Don't you fucking know it." And then Blaine is dragging him towards the elevators, pushing the button, over and over, as Kurt kisses at his neck, fingers tangled together at their sides so intimately it aches as a focus point.

"Shit." Blaine drags Kurt along the bank of elevators, unfairly busy at this time of night, through a door off to the side and then up the stairs. They struggle, racing each other, catching each other, kissing and touching, up two floors. Then they burst through the doors and pull apart, searching for the right direction as they pant from the climb and too much kissing.

Kurt works out where they're going first and pulls, racing Blaine down the hallway a hundred times more desperate than they were the first time, clothes hanging off them by the time they reach the door, laughter passed back and forth until Kurt finds himself pressing his back up against the wood, dragging Blaine in against him.

Hot and hard against his thigh, cock thick and obvious through his dress pants, Blaine's breath harsh in his ear as he whines and ruts there and Kurt searches his pockets for his wallet, then for the key card and then the door is opening and they're falling into the room.

CrissColfer/Klaine smut Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ