Chapter 6 - Amy Santiago...

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"Y/N!" Amy shouts at me, "Its been a month. What are you doing for your.." She looks over my shoulder "Anniversary" I roll my eyes. "Amy shut up" I push her out of the bullpen and into the washroom. "I don't know yet. I wanna take her to go see the new horror movie, but I don't know if she'll like it."

"Omg! Y/N! Of course she'll love it! She loves you," she puts a hand on my forearm. "Trust you're gut." I smile, she smiles back. "Plus Rosa is scary, she needs something in her life to balance it out." Amy laughs as she speaks. "Ok don;t tell her but I did get her a new leather jacket and boots." Amy's face lights up. "You might as well propose to her on the spot!" I push her away and make my way down to my car.

 "Hey, Y/N" I turn around and and Rosa is there. "Wanna grab a beer?" I say. She bites her tongue and eyes me. "Only if its at your place." I give her a wide smile. "Sure, But I got you some gifts." "You didnt need to do that." "Rosa just shut up and accept it." She looks down at my pink skirt and white shirt. "Ok, I trust you." She pulls me close and gives me a kiss on the cheek

"I love you." I mumble against her lips. "I love you to." She smiles. She follows me back to my apartment on her bike. I unlock and open the door and turn on the light. I stop abruptly. There are pink and black streamers and balloons. Everywhere. I see Rosa walk in and smile lightly.

"Happy Anniversary babe." I walk in and close the door. Looking around I gasp and look around me. "Did you do this all by yourself?" She shrugs. "I had help. Amy" I smile. Of course, Amy helped her. Never the less, I grab her hands and pull her close to me. Cupping her face and pulling her face to mine.

On my tiptoes I give her a kiss. She wraps her arms around my waist. Hoisting me up against the wall. A soft moan comes from my mouth as my back hits the wall. She notices and smiles. Rosa lets me down and I frown, understandable but I didn't want it to end. 

She reaches into her bag and pulls out a small, flat box. Wrapped in pink dots. She hands me the small box. I open it to reveal two matching bracelets. One black one white, both with solid colour beads. She takes one and slides it on her hand, then taking the other one and sliding it onto my hand.

"Now, you can always think of me" How sweet, I toy with it before looking back up to her. Reaching into my bag to take out an Identical box. Rosa looks defeated, but this Isn't a bracelet. I hand it to her and she opens it. Its a 'love wins' necklace. Since today was about her in my mind, I only got one. I also got her something else.

"Y/N..." "Shh." I say, holding a finger to her as I open a kitchen drawer and taking out an envelope. I hand it to her. Its a bunch of cute little love and punk stickers. "So you can decorate your bike helmet." I smile. I was worried they wouldn't arrive in time. The came three days ago.

"Y/N.. I love these," She smiles and looks from me to the gifts. Looking at the stickers then to the necklace. She places them down and pulls her hair to the side. Clipping the necklace on and turning back to me. "Perfect." I say. It was a heart with the Bi flag and words that read 'Love wins' 

I smile and lean into her face. giving her a kiss. She returns the kiss with passion. Wrapping her arms tight around her waist. So our bodies are pressed together, my hands tangled in her hair. I never wanted to stop. Without parting our lips we make it to my bedroom.

I fumble to take off her jacket. Her hands reach the hem of my shirt and pull up. Our lips part for a split second as she takes off my shirt, then taking off her own. I lay down on my bed and she lays on top of me. 

I let out soft moans as she traces her lips down my neck, sucking my sweet spot, and trailing down all they way. I moan as she soothes me. God I love this woman. Our bracelets were still on and her necklace. Teasing, I grab it and softly pull her to my lips, Kissing her as she rolled on her back, now me on top, I trail down her body. The night is long and I wish it never has to end.

Thank god tomorrow is Saturday



Im sorry I haven't posted on this story for A LONG ASS TIME! Im sorry pleas forgive. as of now, I jut republished all the chapters and immediatly got another 6 reads so lmao ok.


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