"I told you the answer would be ugly, Brynne..." (30)

Start from the beginning

I picked up the tyre iron on the way out and swiftly walked to my car against the cold winds. I contemplated whether or not I should get in touch with Kai about this new information but I literally lied to him not too long ago about staying out of it.

No, this research I had to do myself.

After getting back to the city, I returned the car and caught a cab to the nearest Internet cafe.

—yes they still have those, can you believe?

I prayed to God that no one recognized me—or would recognize me if someone came by asking. Sitting around the computer, I used a private browser to search for Alistair's company first only to see nothing come up. Then I decided to search for Rico's Furnishing.

I clearly wasn't at Kai's level when it came to private investigation but I hoped taking the extra step to reduce my internet footprint would work.

Not many stories came up but one was enough. It was a blog post with the headline: The Truth about the Rico Fiasco.

The blog was dated back to 2005 as a review of the original article that was removed from the New York Times archives. Rico's furnishing was a furniture shop in Mexico City that was rumored to be a front for illegal booze back in the 20s and 30s but no evidence was found. Only the locals hear-says.

However, in 1972, the shop was raided by police to find an underground cellar filled with booze and cocaine. The company was closed down and his assets frozen but Rico was good at covering his trail. It took the FBI years before figuring out his allies and connections.

—a big connection being Alistair's Express Shipping Company. They received shipments from Rico frequently with furniture containing illegal booze back in the 30s and then cocaine once the 60s started. They were one of the biggest pushers in New York City back in the day.

The owner of Alistair's company was charged for multiple connections to possession of illegal contraband, organized crimes and murder in 1990. He killed himself before he could be imprisoned, leaving the company to rot.

Holy shit.

Holy fucking shit.

Before I could click off the computer, the site crashed and the blog post was no longer available. I tried to search for Rico's again and this time... nothing came up. Nothing.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood and I knew, I just knew this wasn't coincidental. I immediately closed every thing on the screen and ran out of the place. Someone knew I was searching for it. Someone was watching.

Or maybe someone, after all these years, had an alert set for specific keywords when searching... someone who desperately wanted to cover up this story.

The first thing that came to mind was that I had to see my father. I was going to demand answers this time.


He was awake when I visited him. He was awake and watching TV when I entered the room. A nurse was by his side, feeding him God knows what.

"Can I have a moment alone with my father, please?" I asked her with a smile.

She nodded before setting down the food and exiting. I was super paranoid after coming from the Internet cafe so I picked up the food on his tray and dumped it into the toilet then flushed it.

"What the hell are you doin', Brynne? That was my dinner. Lord knows I ain't getting anything better to eat in this place," he angrily yelled at me.

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