Torn (A Big Time rush fanfic)

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Author's Note:

This is a fanfic i wrote for one of my friends whom is now one state away thanks to my parents. I hope y'all enjoy. 


"Hello?" i answered not bothering to look at Caller ID

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" three voices yelled through the phone. My three best friends- Isabella (i called her Isa), Callie, and Kimberly(i called her Kim)- were on the other line. i was so excited today is my 18th birthday! So pretty much after today i legally can do anything i want without consent from my parents. not that i'm saying that will happen... ;)

"Faith? Hello....." Isa trailed off snapping me out of my mental rant.

 "huh? What?"

The girls laughed.

"What? What'd I do?"

"Nothing. The girls wanted to make sure that you weren't doing anything today."

"N-no. Don't t-think so....." i hesitantly trailed off. We never did anything for my birthday. Like the most we ever did was have cake. I'd get a little bit of birthday money but nothing special.

"FAITH!" once again they interrupted my mental rant.


"Are you even getting ready for school?"

"About to. I'll see you there." I said hanging up the phone. Lazily i pulled the sheets off of my legs and the cold morning air greeted me. Ugh! I hate mornings. Sitting on the edge of my bed i slipped on my slippers and started towards my bathroom. On the way I got on Twitter on my phone. Getting bored of the newsfeed, I decided to take a lookand see what BTR (aka my boys) are up to. I was about to click or tap on Kendall's name when my left side smacked into the doorframe to my bathroom.

"GAH!" I exclaimed holding my shoulder. Rubbing it. I continued to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth thoroughly, I then applied some make-up. Then after I did my hair I checked my mentions. My heart almost skipped a beat. I blinked a few times and even pinched myself. Carlos Pena of BIG TIME FREAKING RUSH TWEETED ME 'Happy 18th'! Just then i felt the biggest grin creep onto my face as I knew I was about to have a fangirl moment. 

"OH. MY. GOSH. NO. FREAKING. WAY!!!!!!" I screamed. And even if it wasn't Kendall or James I was still so extatic that CARLOS FREAKING PENA--- woah! calm yourself. keep the fangirling at a minimum.--- tweeted me, wishing me a happy birthday. Can this day get any better? I finished getting ready for school, waved goodbye to my parents, and drove to school.

After I parked I replied to his tweet:

To @TheCarlosPena:

Thanks for the birthday wish. :) 

To which he responded:

To @ABigTimeRusherx

You're very much welcome

Omg's he just made my day. Now to get through school. Which, by the way, I loathed. I walked through the doors being greeted by a bunch of peoples I didn't know. They were all wishing me happy birthday and I just smiled at them. Finally I found my firends. 

"Hey Isa. How's it going?" I said with a smile on my face.

"Umm..... okay, I guess." she responded and hugged me. I hugged back.

"Guess what?!" 


"Carlos wished me happy 18th!!" i tried not to scream it so it kind of came out as a squeal.

"Are you kidding?!" she half screamed. at that moment the rest of the girls gathered 'round.

"What? What happened?" Kim and Callie asked.

"Carlos tweeted Faith!" Isa explained to them. Their jaws instantly dropped.

"Carlos? As in Carlos Pena?" 

I nodded.

"AS IN THE CARLOS PENA?!?!" They started getting louder and louder by the second. Instantly i began waving my hands in front of them and shushed them. I seriously did not want to attracted anymore attention than i was getting. And I was pretty much getting as much attention as a white crayon.

The day just drug on and on. I thought it would never end. Then the bell for school to end finally rang and I waited for my friends in the front of the school. My phone started to buzz so i pulled it out of my pocket and saw that i had gotten a text from a number i didn't know.

It read: Go die in a hole. You ugly b****!!

My heart sank a little. That's just strange. I don't even know them. 

"Hey!" Isa greeted me from behind. "What's wrong?"

Then I showed her the text.  She just hugged me. I returned the hug. 

"Don't worry about them. It's your birthday for crying out loud. C'mon we've got a surprise for you." she comforted pulling me towards the parking lot.

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