"Rough night?" He asked.

I looked up at him. His hair was longer than I was used to on a guy, but I didn't mind it. It suited the whole 'ski all day, party all night' persona I'd labelled him with. His features were cleanly cut: dark eyes, a sharp and narrow nose, and lips pulled into a smile as he registered me checking him out.

"Something like that."

"Here," he said, pushing my money back towards me. "On the house."

I smiled slightly, looking down into the drink he lay before me. "Thanks." Archer had caught the girl, hands on her hips to settle her and she took the opportunity to wrap her own around his neck. And with that, no room to chicken out, I knocked it back in one.

"Fucking hell," I muttered, throat burning. "What's in that? Rat poison?"

He was leant over the bar so we were close. He shrugged. "You said strong."

"Bloody hell. I'll be careful what I say next time."

He smiled. "Feeling better?"

All of my senses were abuzz. I almost couldn't even remember what I'd been trying to forget. Almost. "Much."

"Jolie!" Autumn called as she crashed into my side, misjudging completely the space between us. She slung an arm around my shoulders. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too, Autumn," I said, trying to unlatch her arm from me. I did, but had to reach out again as she wobbled. I looked to the barman again. He really couldn't be much older than us. "Can we get her some water please?" He nodded and eased himself up, turning round to the taps.

"Come on, don't be a spoil sport and dance!"

I caught her as she teetered again. "How about you sit here," I said, giving my seat up for her and pulling my dress down. "And I'll dance." She cheered in victory. I didn't tell her that I actually had no intentions of dancing.

That is, until a light hand settled on my arm as I passed. A boy, blonde hair falling over his face, and a little dazed, asked, "Dance with me?" I was prepared to refuse, say I couldn't dance or that I was about to go, but then with a small glimpse of Archer and the girl, I thought: why the fuck not?

He grinned a grin big enough to spread across his whole face.

I was the one to lead him to one of the very few empty spaces, pretty much right in the middle as a couple left. By the way their hands had been roaming each other, like so many around us, it didn't take much to figure out where they were off to.

His hands settled on my hips and I drew him to me.

I didn't bother with small talk.

I'd blame the alcohol in my blood for letting a random stranger be this close to me, for letting his hands wander here and there, and for most importantly, what happened next.

I spun so that my back was to him.

He immediately reattached his hands to my hips. I breathed in the smell of sweat and alcohol that had all combined in the dingy club.

Agreements With Mr Rich Boy | ✓Where stories live. Discover now