Chapter 18: The Finale

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"Namjoon, hand me that merman! " Seung-Ho exclaimed as he swings his sword towards the prince. The prince jumped back to avoid the attack.

"Did you know, Namjoon," His cousin walked towards them and the prince walked backward, "that merman will make us rich because its tears can turn into pearls? " Jin was still shook in fear in Namjoon's arms.

"Why don't you join us, cousin? " He asked with an evil smirk plastered on his face. Jin's eyes widened and looked at his lover with tears. "N-no! Namjoon, don't! Please! " The merman begged and Namjoon shushed him while rubbing his back. "I will never. "He sneered and Seung-Ho scowled, glaring at the prince. " Then you will die along with him!" Seung-Ho ran towards Namjoon and swung his sword again. The prince's eyes widened and ducked from the attack then he kicked his back, making Seung-Ho fall to the floor.

The prince ran headed to the doors where the guards blocked them. He swung Jin over his shoulder and took out his sword.

He fought and stabbed few guards and kicked the door opened. Namjoon ran out of the palace. He slowly went down to the rocky shore and placed Jin down on the rock. Namjoon panted, catching his breath. He heard the shouting at the top and the couple hid under the stone bridge. Namjoon hugged Jin closer and the merman clutched on his shirt. Once it was silent, they loosened their hug and looked at each other.

"Jin... " The prince spoke up and the merman looked up at his eyes that were full of sorrow. "I-I think it's time for me to let you go. " He whispered as his eyes turned glossy from tears about to fall. Jin felt his heart cracked and he shook his in denial. "No! No, please!" Jin whispered as he clutched on Namjoon and tears fell from his eyes. The merman cried and hugged Namjoon around his torso, burying his face on his chest. The prince felt a lump on his throat and he slowly hugged the merman back.

"J-Jin, y-you're no longer s-safe here. " He said softly as silent tears fell on his cheeks. He pulled away and cupped the merman's face who was crying hard. Jin held his wrists desperately as tears kept on falling from his delicate cheeks. "D-don't you love me? " Jin asked softly as he searched the answer from the prince's eyes.

The prince leaned his forehead against his and closed his eyes to prevent the tears from falling but still came out like a broken faucet.

"I do love you.... I-I love you with all my heart and soul, J-Jinnie. " He sobbed and he could the hands cupped his neck, pulling him closer to the merman. "I love you so much that it hurts to let you go. " He then heard his lover cried hard.

The prince opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful merman who was shaking his head. "It's not fair! Namjoon, I don't want to go! I don't want to be alone again! " He protested and sobbed louder as he hugged Namjoon tighter.

"Jin, listen to me. " He whispered to his ear. "Remember, we are one no matter how far we are from each other." He then looked at Jin. "Who knows, maybe we will see each other again. " Jin looked up at his eyes. "Really? " The merman asked and the prince nodded.

Then the prince screamed in pain as he felt the sharp pain on his back. They looked behind to see Seung- Ho laughed evilly.

"Sorry to cut your moment but I have to get the merman's tears as much as I can and then kill the both of you. " He said and was about to stab Namjoon again but he blocked the attack with his sword, ignoring the pain on his back.

The prince looked at Jin who was still sitting there, shock. "JIN! GO NOW! " Namjoon yelled as he swung his sword to his cousin and Jin jumped in the sea and swam away.

But, before he swam further, he looked back at his lover who was fighting his cousin.

"I love you. "

He then dove down and swam further from Royaume with the painful sorrow in his heart.

He hoped that someday they would meet again because Jin knew that their love story didn't stop there.

The End

Book 1: The Pink Merman (Namjin Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu