For myself.

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I know I hold in me the power required to achieve every single dream these eyes have ever witnessed or have dared to witness.

The motivation to achieve these great heights dies down every time someone underestimates me by comparing me to others.

Sometimes people fail to understand you and fail to see the raging storm inside of you which reaches out to take hold of your capabilities and dreams. Instead they see your mistakes. Your stupidity. Your bad decisions. They judge you on your maturity.

I'm tired of showing you what I am, there is no use of me trying to explain myself anymore. So I'm quiet. I'm going to let them laugh at me like they always have. I'm going to dream big. I'm going to get to where I want to. I'm going to achieve everything I want to. I'm going to be a kid on the inside and do everything I've always been doing with no one to stop me or judge me.

Their judgement doesn't matter anymore because it can only hurt when it matters. I'm going to make my own decisions, go with the flow, do everything I can and give my best to everything that comes my way. I'll do this all for myself. Not to show anyone or prove anyone wrong but just FOR MYSELF. I'm done with being underestimated it doesn't hurt my ego but kills my motivation so to everyone that underestimates me.

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