Hogan's case is a dead end, however. What was Girlie thinking? She knew for a fact the dilemma this would cause me. Hogan was supposed to die right now if it wasn't me assigned to kill him.

I took out my phone and called the client. He picked up on the second ring.

"I've been following him all morning," I began, though it's useless to try convincing him. "He hasn't done anything rash. And you didn't mention any family."

"Are ya fuckin' kidding me?" His voice boomed. I had to hold my phone farther from my ear. "It's broad daylight! A killer's still a killer even if he seems to be a good father and husband."

"So you knew and thought not to tell me?"

"It ain't worth tellin'."

U-huh. "I'll continue to follow him till midnight. If he doesn't do anything, I'll return your money."

"You know what? Fuck off," he hissed defiantly. "I knew you couldn't do it. I'm tellin' Girlie 'bout this...

"If you break the deal, I'll break your teeny weeny, vulnerable heart. You understand, don't you, Pup? "

...She'll take care of you real good."

I hung up before he could. My mind was racing, as was my heart.

There was one and only thing on my mind.

My family.

I scrambled in packing my sniper and rushed out of the vacant building.

My heart thundered, and my mouth dried just as fast. Cold sweat coated my body. I bolted to my apartment as if my life depended on it. I then stored Franny in my cabinet, not bothering to hide it in its compartment. I slammed the door close on my way out. Ugh. I felt like I'm going to vomit my heart out.

I kept dialing Girlie, but to no avail. Her not picking up escalated my nervousness and fear. I swear to God if she touches even a hair on Nat or Catherine's hair, I'm gonna-

A taxi cab zoomed pass, narrowly missing me. Its loud honk startled and jolted me out of my reverie. I need to get home now. I need to contact Girlie.

She didn't block my number, did she? I've made too many calls on this phone. I quickly took out the SIM card and dropped it along with my phone on a sewer in an alleyway on my way home.

Adrenaline coursed through my very veins that I didn't even need a cab. It's rush hour and there's a growing traffic. It's much faster on foot. Tiredness was beyond me. I was dashing across the busy streets like a maniac. My indecisiveness, my doubts, my righteousness are gonna cost me a fucking lot!

I've arrived on our street and wasted no time reaching our house. Our neighbors were undoubtedly giving me weird glances as I panted like a harlot in a church when I stopped at our front door. I peeked through our windows and saw no signs of life. The living room was empty. Nat and Catherine should be at home! It was a weekend!

I tore open the door and sped through the hallways through the living room. Both confusion and relief swept through me when I heard incessant chatter from the kitchen. And as if this day couldn't get any worse, Daniel and I locked eyes as I passed by the dining area.

"Cherié," he said slowly, gauging my reaction.

I wore a face of shock and hysteria. My feet all but continued to walk upstairs to my room.

"Ri!" Catherine called out to me.

Oh boy, he's home early.

I steered my thoughts away from the fiesta downstairs. Redirecting it to my client. Damn that insolent motherfucker. He thinks he could just use me to kill an innocent man. He provided me poor evidence and told me I couldn't kill the guy? He's an idiot. I ought a put a bullet through his dumb head.

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