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Rosalia regained her consciousness after an hour. She tries to get up
"Hey, it's okay I am right here Rose."
Whispered Damien as he arranged her pillows and laid her back.
"Where am I?" Asked Lia.
"You're in Royal Berkshire hospital."
He said as he called for a nurse to inform her doctor.
"Yeah I remember now. Where's mom and dad?"
"They went home to get you some clothes and stuff. I met them on their way out." He said as he kissed her forehead and thanked God in his head.
"Damien? Am I still pregnant?"
Rosalia asked nervously as she vaguely recalled her conversation with a doctor back in Cape town who informed her that she was three weeks pregnant. She is worried sick if her hematoma caused her to miscarriage she won't be able to bear it. Tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Hey Don't worry. Our baby is fine."
He wiped her tears. He didn't want her to distress at all.
"Damien I am so sorry... I "
"Shhh you don't have to say anything my sweet Rose."
"Lia ,you're awake! That's a good sign. Mr. Korealis could you give us a moment?"
Dr. Mason instructed the nurse to change the IV bag as Damien waited outside.
"She went back to sleep now, she needs to avoid any kind of distress and just focus on her recovery."
Damien nodded as he listened to the doctor's instructions.
Only happy thoughts from now on..

"Damien? I have to attend an event tomorrow so will you come with me?""Of course

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"Damien? I have to attend an event tomorrow so will you come with me?"
"Of course. What is it?" Damien asked curiously as he poured coffee for both of them. It's been two days since she was discharged from the hospital.
"I can't tell you now you'll figure it out when we will get there." Lia said tentatively. "By the way I still have no idea how you persuaded Mom and Dad to move in with you."
"That was easy when I explained that how much I love you and I can't imagine my life without you in it." Damien said proudly as he kissed her softly. "I love you Rose. I always have and I always will."
"I love you too Damien. I never stopped loving you."
Damien lowered  his  mouth  to trail  it  lightly  over  her  flushed  face,  down  the  tip  of  her  small,  straight nose,  until  he  readied  her  lips.  He  kept  on  being  gentle  until, instinctively,    he gathered  her  tightly  to  him.  Holding  her  still,  he  crushed  her  mouth with  his,  parting  her  lips  passionately. It  was  such  a  sensual  assault  that  she  trembled.  His  kisses  on  her upturned  mouth  were  ravishing,  but  somehow  she  didn't  care.    Not even  when  he  began  probing  her  mouth  more  deeply  did  it  appear. Suddenly  she  was  clinging  to  him  with  an  aching  sigh,  pressing herself  seductively  to  the  hardening  male  contours  of  his  body. She  could  feel  his  heart  beating  loudly—or  was  it  just  the  echo  of  her own?  Drowsily  she  was  aware  of  his  hand  stroking  her  back,  the rounded  curve  of  her  hip  and  thighs,  and  a  little  sigh  of  pleasure escaped  her. 'You  like  that?'  he  murmured  thickly. She  nodded,  liking  the  way  he  spoke  to  her,  the  dampness  of  his  lips moving  against  her  own.  She  was  not  too  conscious  of  what  he  was doing  to  her,  but  she  quivered  beneath  his  probing  hands,  her  arms going  slowly  around  his  neck.  A  feeling  of  pleasure  was  sweeping,  all over  her  and  she  wasn't  trying  to  fight  it.  A  pulse  in  her  throat  raced  so fast  she  gasped  and  whimpered  and  could  think  of  nothing  but  him. Damien's  head  was  bent  to  the  upturned  curve  of  her  breast  and  she buried  her  fingers  tightly  in  his  thick  dark  hair.
He  didn't  speak  again,  nor  did  she.  It  might  have  been  that  they  both feared  words  might  break  these  moments  of  fierce  enchantment. Rosalia  had  never  surrendered  completely  to  her  emotions  before. Always  she  had  fought  being  totally  overwhelmed  by  them. Now  she  gave  herself  up  to  them,  submitting  to  Damien's  urgent demands  with  no  thought  in  her  head  of  holding  back. He  was  breathing  heavily  as  he  slid  the  narrow  straps  of  her  dress from  her  shoulders.  Impatiently  he  dealt  with  zips  and  hooks.  In  his haste  material  tore,  but  neither  of  them  heard  it.  Her  head  fell  back over  his  arm  as  her  dress  fell  to  the  floor  and  his  hands  came  up  over her  rib-cage  to  caress  her  throbbing  breasts.  His  mouth  joined  them, his  tongue  roughly  teasing  her  distended  nipples. Lia  felt  weightless  as  he  lifted  her,  bearing  her  to  the  bed.  He  left her  only  long  enough  to  strip  off  his  own  clothing,  then  he  was  lying beside  her,  her  slim  body  crushed  beneath  the  heaviness  of  his,  the bareness  of  his  skin  bringing  a  burning  tension  to  her  own. Dizzy  excitement  flooded  her,  drowning  every  sane  thought.  A searing  longing  soon  had  her  writhing  under  him  as  his  mouth  sought and  found  her  responsive  lips  before  trailing  a  heated  path  over  every inch  of  her.  As  their  bodies  slowly  locked  together,  he  muttered  her name  hoarsely,  demanding  and  receiving  total  surrender.  Her  arms went  around  him  as  she  wildly  returned  his  passionate  kisses,  while, ruthlessly  and  with  unerring  precision,  he  possessed  her  completely.
" Are you okay? I mean the baby and your head, you might feel dizzy."
Damien voicing his concern as he her held in his arms.
"I feel happy Damien. I am okay."
Lia said as she planted a kiss on his shoulder.
"Why didn't you tell me the truth about Phillip Rose? I felt like an idiot when I attended his wedding."
"I am sorry I should have but I just wanted to forget the past. "
"And anyways you are my idiot from now on."
"Where were you Rose all this time. I want to know the truth please."
He demanded as he sat up.
" I was in Sierra Leone. I was stationed there after our break up."
"What do you mean by stationed ?"
" I am a military Doctor Damien. I joined the Army two years ago."
Rosalia announced as she leaned back on the bed rest.
"Why ? How can you do this Rose?"
"I had to. You have no idea what it was like in my family when Joshua died."
"Joshua?" Damien remembered seeing an old photo of Joshua and Rose on the plane to Greece.
"Joshua was my twin brother but I skipped a grade so we were not in the same class and then he transferred into a different school. You see Joshua was in the special forces within the British Army."
She still remembered that day when the news of him missing had arrived with an Army personnel.
"He died during a  mission and they could not locate his body. So my parents could not bury their only son and were completely devastated."
Damien felt a shiver run down his back. His Rose had suffered so much.
He quickly gathered his arms around her as she continued.
"I  decided to apply to join the special forces and they accepted it because one of the commander was a regular patient of mine. I tried to search his body hoping to see him alive but I found out that the villagers had buried him near their local river. "
She cried as she recalled her brother's tombstone surrounded by bushes and wild flowers.
"So the what is the event tomorrow about?" He asked wiped her tears away.
"Apparently the Royal family along with commander will present us with an honorary medal."
"Congratulations Rose. How about we celebrate tonight?" Damien decided to wait for the night to carry out his own mission.
"Okay, I have to go home for lunch, my cousin will be there to meet me. Do you want to join us?"
"No some other time maybe, you need to spend some time with your parents alone. I'll pick you up for dinner okay?" He said as he kissed her one more time.
"Okay I better go get dressed. You need to dress me though." Lia said mischievously. She has sprained left arm.
"Lia promise me you'll never keep anything from me ever again."
"I promise Mom,I have one more thing to tell you." Lia said as she embraced her mother.
" You're going to be a Grandma soon."
She said joyfully.
"What? Oh my god! I am so happy!!"
Her mother hugged her tight.
"You have no idea how happy I am. It's such a blessing. I will be a grandmother? I cannot believe it!"
Her mother kissed her cheeks and cried of joy as the others rushed into their bedroom. Her father was the first one to question.
"Honey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"Daddy, you're going to grandpa soon." Relief flooded his face as he bent down to hug both his daughter and wife.
"Really? I am going to be a grandpa soon?" He asked again.
"Yes daddy." Never before Lia witnessed the amount of happiness shown by her parents and she was glad to be the cause of it.
They enjoyed their meal together ,her mother had made her favourite apple pie.
"Daddy you talked to Damien?"
"Yes, well I must say he is a  fine young man,you are very precious to me I want you to be happy."
"Thank you so much. I love you."
"I am so proud of you. Both of my children have served their country. I am going to wear my best suit tomorrow!"
Rosalia laughed at her father's enthusiasm. She had enjoyed the peace and tranquility her work gave her. She had learned a lot from those extreme situations too.
It was evening by the time she waited for Damien to pick her up.
She had changed into a bottle green embroidered outfit low cut at the back.

Tethered To Your HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora