Chapter - 1

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" Lia !! I can't believe you made it !! " Dr. Lewis Mason delightedly announced. The last time Rosalia had met Lewis was 3 years ago when his wife gave birth to little Lucy. Lewis was the only one of few people who she  kept contact throughout the past 3 years.  How time flies by in the haze of past events she recollected and pain lanced through her whole body. 

She is 25 years old now, more matured and responsible. Her optimism had reduced and so has her fairy tale dreams of finding love. She had scars now some visible and some invisible .     

"Of course , I had to come for Lucy, where is she ? "   Rosalia asked looking around the playground she spent most of her time playing with sick children.  " She is sleeping , I really wanted you to come because the kids missed you dearly." So did she, how can she forget the innocent faces coming up to her looking for a glimmer of hope only she could show them. They have showed her how to be brave even in the worst time of life. Some children have gone through medical procedures since they were babies . 

Royal Berkshire NHS , is the best hospital in England. It had been her dream to become a doctor after being inspired by the numerous doctors who treated her own mother to full health when the chances of her survival were nil. Lewis' Voice pulled her out of her reverie.  " I had asked a few people to come , Lucy's birthday was just an excuse , I have arranged a fundraiser event for the less fortunate patients in the hospitals. " 

" That's wonderful , I will try to help out as much as possible. " Rosalia smiled at Lewis , he had been her mentor when she was just 18 and the youngest resident in the medical school. 

"Can you believe Lia ? those patients are so close to finally get out of their misery , some have found their match donors the only obstacle is money. I want you to attend each guest and talk about the listed patients."  She did exactly as she was told. Rosalia was persuasive and approachable, she met two award winning actors and explained about the patients who needed their money to get the required medical treatments. 

In the midst of the crowd she heard that deep familiar voice , which froze her on her tracks. Damien Korealis ,She heard that name which thudded into her brain like a sharp blow. Stunned she stared at the large male presence now blocking out the sunlight. All she could focus on was a pale blue tie set against  crisp white shirt bounded by tailored charcoal grey suit. It was Damien !

She finally noticed the bleached blonde model next to him wearing fashion labels she knew could not name. She came back to her senses. As she extended her hand to Damien. " Mr. Korealis, we are glad that you could join us . May I have a name for the pretty lady? " 

The model extended her manicured hand and introduced herself as Andrea Rodriguez. Rosalia started explaining the medical procedures the patient can go through easily with the help of expensive equipment. She felt a shiver down her back when she realized Damien had been observing her. " Do you have any questions regarding the process, Mr. Korealis? " Rosalia asked sticking to her professional side. " Actually I do  Dr. Haynes. How do I believe anything you just said? I have already experienced the deceit of such innocent acts so  I have to be careful about such things you know?" The atmosphere tensed around them , her throat running dry as she remembered the time he hinted at. If things had turned out differently , if her twin brother had survived , then Damien would have stayed by her side? But he has not, she reminded herself bitterly. " It's not my word but rather Dr. Mason's, if you have a question you can ask him, now if you excuse me ."  Without turning back she kept moving forward. Tears jerked in her eyes as she made her way through the guests and joined the group her kids waiting eagerly for her to play with them. This is where she belongs, she told herself trying to erase the dull ache in her heart caused by the man who she just ran away from. 

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