First impressions are always the best ||part 2

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The picture is like a brief explanation on how it will go when he wakes up XD yes it is my drawing too.

Any-who Uraraka is in middle school third year and works part time. Kirishima and her are best friends and he drops by the shop to help with the heavy stuff and just to talk and hang out with Uraraka and Midoriya so yeah...on with the story!

Todoroki POV

My eyes fluttered open as I take in the light radiating from the thin curtains beaming into a room that not familiar to me what so ever. I take a look around and see that it is decorated with flowers and other types of plants off all sorts, I only knew the main flowers everyone knows, roses, Daisy's, a cherry blossom tree that was I'm guessing still a baby and some aloe Vera's. The bed I was in was really comfy and the doona was a dark green with little bits of light green scattered over the doona but mainly on the bottom.

I go to sit up only to feel a sharp pain in my arm remembering how and why I'm in this room. 'Oh right I got hurt and came here for some help... but where is here?' As I'm in my train of thoughts I hear a loud crashing noice downstairs. 'Sounded like something broke...was it glass?' I realise that I had a clean white shirt on that fits me fine 'must be a guy that works and lives here huh' I get out of the bed as my right side of my leg still hurts but ignore it, I walk down the hallway as I spot my jacket in the bathroom over the sink next to the bath tub, the bathroom is kinda small but cozy same with the rest of the house.
I throw on my jacket over my shoulders and struggle down the stairs " OW!" I stop on reflex when he yelled so I hurried down the stairs a little faster to see if he was okay. "Hey! Are you okay?" I come around the corner to see he is sucking his index finger that has a bit of blood on it, he snaps his neck around to face me. Now that I look more closely he has dark green hair with shade of black scattering around it, his hair is also curly and looks really fluffy and soft, his bangs on the side of his face curling up into his big and bright green eyes and his cheeks scattered with-...OH MY GOD HE HAS FRECKLES! GOD THATS SO CUTE!- calm yourself Shoto! Calm. He is surprisingly pretty small and slim looking but also a bit muscular 'I wonder what your name is...'

Midoriya POV

I am looking directly into the eyes of a gang person!? He looks intimidating and scary looking, Oh he blue eye that is on his left side of his face and the right side is grey...looks kinda pretty suits him too. "A-ah yeah I-I'm fine thank you, just kinda dropped this vase cause it was kinda heavy hehe..." I give a nervous smile with my eyes closed.

I open my eyes remembering the wounds he had once I heard him wince. "Ah! Are you okay?" I quickly hop up going over to him to see if he was okay. "Uh yeah I'm-I'm fine thanks" he staggers a little so I grab his arm and pull him over to the stool behind the counter tapping the seat gesturing him to sit down whilst I take the one in the back room.

"Um...t-take off your jacket and the s-shirt" I keep stuttering! Why I've just finished this last night! Maybe because he is awake which makes it more awkward. "Ok" he takes off the jacket and I notice the design on the back, as he is taking off his shirt I take his jacket and look at the design remembering the name and status of this gang. "C-cold fire? Your part of the gang cold fire?" I look into his bi coloured eyes with I think a horrified expression as he snatched the jacket out of my hands and throws it on the counter looking disappointed. "Uhh...yeah I am . I'm the leader but not the boss my old man is... I don't even wanna be in the stupid gang" he mumbled the last pat but I still heard him just barely.

"Okay your wounds aren't as bad anymore but do you have any other wounds anywhere? If you want I can check them out too" as his putting on his shirt his cheeks turn into a light pink as he looks down at his pants and fumble with his thumbs. "Um... I have one my knee and ankle, but you don't have to do my knee cause then I will have to take off my jeans so I guess just my ankle would be fine please" I turn pink at that and later brushing it off "put your ankle on my lap it'll be easier like that" he hesitantly puts up his right ankle onto my lap. "Okay I'm gonna twist it a little tell me where and how much it hurts out of ten okay?" I give him a reassuring smile saying 'I'll be gentle' and 'you'll be fine.' "O-okay..." I twist his ankle just the slightest to the right facing the wall and I hear him wince "sorry did that hurt?" He nods with a pained look on his face "how much out of ten?" "Uh I guess probably around five to six" he looks away from my direction 'it hurt that bad from a slight move of the ankle?! Must have sprained it pretty bad' I stop twisting it and look him directly in the eyes as he does the same I open my mouth to say something but hesitating a little...

Todoroki POV

'Please don't ask what happen please don't ask what happen please don't ask-". "so what exactly happen to you to get really bad wounds?" He looks serious but worried as well...might as well answer him after all his done "it's a long story so please just-just bare with me" I scratch the back of my neck whilst taking my foot off of his lap, he leans on the counter looking at me curiously and a little worried.

I sigh finally opening my mouth "it Uh...started last night as you know...and it was a pretty big battle between my gang as well as another strong gang called ground zero..."

Boom! cliffhanger suckers! I only did that because yeah I just...did.

Any-who I will be telling the the story of what happened that night in the next chapter obviously and will introduce Uraraka and Kirishima in the next one (if I am able to that is) because I didn't end up doing it in this one which I thought I was going too but didn't anyway XD

Anyway see you my children!

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