Chapter 3👿 Lower Ground pt 2.

Start from the beginning

"S-she couldn't have possibly gone down any of these ways", Mina shrieks as she hides herself behind Uraraka and Tsuyu. "H-hey don't use us as a s-shield", Uraraka shouts.

    "Shut up! You're being to loud over nothing", Bakugou yells.

"But you're being too loud as well", a voice calls out. The students turned left to right, but saw no one.

    "Hah?! Come out and show yourself", Bakugou shouts. A figure appeared in the doorway at the very end of the hall. It was in the silhouette of the little albino. "There you are", Midoriya said. He steadily walked towards the girl that stood ever so still.

    "We aren't gonna hurt you. I promise, we just wanna talk and get to know you." The shadow looked up, but what startled the green haired boy was it's red glowing eyes and Cheshire Cat smile that seemed to grow. "You're so sweet. And yet so gullible, not even realizing that your friends are gone."

Midoriya didn't know what the figure meant until he turned around noticing that nobody was there expect him and the shadow. "H-huh?!" A hand was then placed onto his shoulder, he looked behind him to see ginger hair and hazel eyes glaring down at him with a grin. "How pathetic can Class A get?" Dominic grabbed Midoriya by his shirt collar and slammed him into the floor.

     Midoriya coughed up a little blood before he was picked up again and slammed into the wall.

   The two were put into a staring contest. Midoriya's voice was ragged as he never looked away from Dominic's burning stare. The older male smirks, "should've known you and your class would become a nuisance."

In anger, he threw the boy across the hall and into the double doors, breaking them due to the impact. "Damn, Grimm's gonna kill me for breaking that expensive wood." Dominic nonchalantly walked down the other end to his opponent.


Tsuyu and Kirishima looked around the dark room that they were pulled into. To their knowledge, nobody was in there. Only junk that had been thrown and forgotten about over the years. "K-kirishima. What's going on?" Kirishima felt around with his hands to see if he could find his classmate. "I have no clue." The two then jumped from the startling sound of an impact crashing into wood. The crash seemed to be just outside the door. "I think that was Midoriya", Tsuyu says as she walked towards the door that brought in barely little lighting from the frosted window.


Kirishima and Tsuyu turned to the source of the voice, but couldn't see anyone. "H-hello", Kirishima said. The sound of a body moving swiftly could be faintly heard, making the red head move with the sound in hopes of seeing what it was.

"Aw aren't you nice! Saying hello and all, but I'm not too sure about your friend over here." The lights came on and a boney hand grabbed Tsuyu's long green hair. She was tossed across the room, sliding into some cardboard boxes.

"Tsu!" Kirishima happened to look up, seeing multicolored eyes staring down at him with a wide stare and a crazed sharp toothed smile. He realized that the girl was up on the ceiling in a corner. "My~. You are so cute! Let's introduce ourselves shall we?" Veronique summoned a gorgeous ghostly pale woman who wore a pink masquerade gown that had an immense amount of blood on it. A large knife with caked on blood was in her hand.

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