Study Date?

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Tobirama let out a choked gasp as his windpipe was crushed against the fabric of his shirt.
"Tobirama?" Hashirama's voice snapped the pale Senju from his trance. Tobirama's breath hitched as he stuttered, desperately attempting to explain only to be snatched out of his musing by a physical force.
Tobirama took the brunt of the impact as his back made contact with the floor. A weight loomed over him as Tobirama grasped his bearings. Hushed whispers invaded the albino's senses as he was pulled forward by his shirts collar. A warm breath assaulted Tobirama as he was pulled closer to the blurry figure that straddled his waist.
"Madara! What is going on?" Hashirama's worried voice echoed in the silent hallway. Eyes like pin pricks poked at Tobirama as he layed on the floor. "Aniki?" A blush bloomed on Tobirama's pale skin as he scrambled to his feet. Madara tumbled and lost his grip on Tobirama's shirt collar, landing on his rear. A small groan came from the Uchiha as he rubbed his bruised behind. The small noise further darkened the Pale Senju's flustered face. The embarrassment was eating Tobirama alive as he realized what he had done. "Aniki! I was uh-", Tobirama was drawing a blank. The stern look on his older brothers face made him nervous, after all he had picked a fight with Hashirama's best friend. Although Tobirama was ashamed of his behavior, he couldn't say he was sorry. It was fun picking on the grumpy Uchiha, hell it was refreshing not having to be the mature sibling for once. Taking in a quick breath, Tobirama steeled himself.
"I was testing the waters." Hashirama stared at Tobirama, his tense and unblinking gaze sent a shiver down the albinos spine.
Tobirama's heart pace quickened as dread hit him full force. His lip quivered ever so slightly as his eyesight tunneled. His senses felt hyper aware yet only broadcasted dull feedback.
"Oh!! So you're trying to become friends. I'm so- happy! My little brother and best friend getting along. Oh I couldn't be happier." Hashirama's praises only embarrassed the younger Senju further. The heat of his cheeks only worsened as Tobirama grinded his teeth together. Madara's mumbling was but white noise to the young Senju's ears. "Well it was nice seeing you again Aniki!" Tobirama's stiff joints bolted into action and he was halfway down the hall before Hashirama could respond.
"Your brother is an asshole."

Hashirama chuckled,"Yeah, but he's pretty lovable huh?"
Madara groaned in annoyance as the heat from his cheeks worsened. A pout blossomed on his lips as he stared at the retreating figure of Tobirama disappear.
"So- are you going to help me up or am I gonna stay on the floor?" Madara turned to Hashirama extending his hand expectantly. "Can't you stand on your own?" Hashirama replied, accepting Madara's extended hand with a smile. Madara lightly hissed as he regained his composure on sore legs. Releasing a huff of air Madara puffed out his chest and placed his hands on his hips. "Are you saying that the mighty Hashirama Senju would leave his 'super' best friend to suffer on the dirty floor, how cruel." Madara snickered as he struck an idiotically dramatic pose. Hashirama giggled uncontrollably, a hand covered his mouth as he tried to drown his laughter. "Madara, you are- the worst!" Hashirama said as he slapped Madara's shoulder, pushing the Uchiha slightly.
"If by worst you mean the best, then yes I am." Madara smiled as he began walking towards the school's exit, Hashirama following close behind. He had missed talking to his best friend. Madara had been so preoccupied with The Senju's younger brother that he just forgot to spend some time with Hashirama. It was nice, just fooling around with the big idiot. A rhythmic tapping on his shoulder broke Madara from his musing. Turning towards the annoyance Madara was greeted by puppy dog eyes. Silently begging. Menacingly.
Letting out a groan Madara gave in immediately not having enough will power to fight with the giant 'toddler'. "What do you want?" Hashirama smiled at the hostile Uchiha. "I actually need help studying. I have a test tomorrow and I haven't studied a wink." Madara stopped in front of the school gate and turned fully towards the tan Senju. "Don't you have a girlfriend to study with?" Hashirama chuckled nervously as he fidgeted with a strand of his long hair. "Mito has to study too. I don't want her to fail because she had to use her study time to help me pass." Hashirama pouted as he continued to fidget with his hair. Madara sighed at the pathetic sight of his best friend, the fool was lovestruck.
"Tell you what, I'll help you study if you help me with a little problem." Madara suggested. "What type of problem?" Hashirama inquired hope blossoming in his eyes. "That is for me to know and you to find out. Come by my house around 7 o'clock and bring your brother with you 'kay." Madara smirked while booping Hashirama on the nose. Madara raises a hand in dismissal as he walks away leaving a bewildered Hashirama in his wake.

A few feet past the gate Izuna stood under a cherry tree, waiting for his brother. Madara walked up to his younger brother and gave him a light tap, as if silently saying 'Come on.' Izuna immediately noticed a change in his older brother.
Madara's upbeat attitude sent a shiver up the younger Uchiha's spine. Izuna couldn't guess what had his older brother in such high spirits. Every second was torturous as Izuna was assaulted with suspense. His brothers upbeat attitude left a foul taste in the young Uchiha's mouth. "Madara? Why are you so happy?" The words left Izuna's mouth in a hushed whisper. It was a miracle that Madara even heard his younger brother. "Mhm, you think so?" Madara's voice was chipper and aloof.
Izuna's brows furrowed in distaste. 'What kind of f**king response was that.'

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