Salvatore (Incubus x Asexual Female Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Why what's not working?" You asked.

"This... whatever it is I do..." He gestured to himself in a vague annoyed way. "Charm, I guess you'd call it, but it's more than that. It always works. I don't even know what it is or why it works, but it always does." He grunted in frustration. "I don't know why it's not working now."

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but either you start making sense or you leave me the fuck alone."

"Look." He snarled.

Then his face began to change. His eyes went completely black and his mouth widened, revealing sharp teeth beyond his thin lips. Horns sprouted from his forehead and he seemed to grow taller, looming over you.

You jumped, and your finger accidentally pressed the trigger to the taser. He shouted when the barbs struck him and he hit the ground.

"Shit!" You said, dropping the taser and pulled the lines from him.

"You fucking tased me!" He shouted from the ground, his face and body returning to normal.

"You scared the shit out of me!" You said defensively, helping him back to his feet. You propped him up against the wall of the bar. He rubbed his shoulder, where the barbs had hit him. You just stared at him as he breathed hard. "What did you say you were?"

"A Cambion," He said. "I'm half-human, half-succubus. Or is it incubus because I'm male?" His face as scrunched up, almost angry. "I dunno. Who cares?"

"So your mother was..."

"Obviously," He said. "Succubi and incubi need to feed on people's sexual energy to survive. Whatever it is that makes succubi attractive to people, I inherited some of it, but I also inherited the... hunger, I guess you'd say. I'm mostly human so I eat regular food, but every few days I get this... craving. I can ignore it for a while, but if it goes on too long, I get sick and weak. That's when I go... well, hunting."

"So you tried to prey on me, is that it?" You asked him.

"Tried and failed, it seems," He said, fixing you with a confused stare.

"Why didn't you go after any number of the other people in there?"

"I don't hunt drunks. I may be a monster, but I'm not a monster, if you catch my drift. You were the only person in there who didn't smell like booze. I've never failed before."

"Ah, I think I understand now," You said. "I'm asexual. I'm not attracted to you because I'm not attracted to anyone."

He blinked, then blinked again. "You're what?"

"Asexual," You said again. "I don't feel sexual attraction."

"Like... at all?"


"Have you ever had sex?" He asked

"Oh, yeah," You replied. "It's fine, but I can take it or leave it. It's not as important to me as it seems to be to everyone else. College was rife with it. I don't tell people I'm asexual because they either think it's not a real thing or they think I'll be 'cured' if I get fucked one good time. It's exhausting. I tell most of my friends that I'm too busy with schoolwork for a boyfriend, which was fine during school, but now that I've graduated, it won't be a good enough excuse."

He opened his mouth to respond, but his phone buzzed and he looked at it, seemingly both annoyed and relieved.


"It's a client," He said.

"It's nearly one in the morning. What kind of client calls at this hour?"

He raised his eyebrow at you.

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