To You, The Amazing Reader...

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Hello, fellow imaginers, and thank you for choosing to journey into the world of Metamorphs, my new series coming to online bookstores and print-on-demand in 2019! I'm thrilled to be giving you all a sneak peek of Book 1: Return of the Legion, which debuts on January 7th. I hope you enjoy the first two chapters of the story, and be sure to let me know your thoughts! I love to get feedback, so please feel free to email me and by leaving reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, etc.! Any feedback will help in the book's success and future novels! If you like what you've read, make sure you pre-order and check out my website below! Thank you guys for all of the support, and I hope you enjoy the preview!


Yuri Jean-Baptiste

Metamorphs: Return of the LegionWhere stories live. Discover now