chapter eight

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The End of the Perfect Fantasy


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LIPS CLASHING TOGETHER WITH FIERCENESS AND PASSION, FROM ONE SIDE AT LEAST. Those are the worlds you could use to describe Cecilia's bedroom in those precise moments. Toby and her laid on her bed making out, he had hope that maybe today he would finally make her, his. Yet Cecilia, knew that it wasn't happening.

"love doesn't exist and people who commit don't get far in life."

Those words were etched on in Cecilia's mind, she couldn't stop thinking about that which is why she called Toby after five months of not seeing him. She hadn't seen him in five months because she had decided to stop the affair for Dean, she knew that the reason he was on the floor in the bathroom that night, was because of her. But with one visit from her parents everything she had tried to do went down the drain.

Toby tried take her shirt of but she smacked his hand away, he looked at her in confusion. He then tried again, but she pushed his hand away as he tried to kiss her neck, she pushed him off and sat on the bed. He looked at her as she sat on the edge of the bed her head in her hands. He put his hand on her should trying to see what was wrong but she shrugged it off.

"What's wrong?" He asked her, she didn't answer so he tried again. "Are we not doing this?" He tried again.

"I can't do this, Toby." She told him taking her hands away from her face. She turned her face to look at him, when he took notice of the tears running down her face. He frowned in worry and crawled over to her and engulfed her in his arms holding her as she cried. He rubbed his hand reassuringly on her back.

"Shh, shh. It's okay, Cecilia." He tried consoling her, but she wouldn't stop sobbing.

Cecilia distanced herself from him and looked at him, her mascara all smudged due to the crying. He cleaned the tears off her face as she tried to calm herself down.

"I can't do this with you." She said, he furrowed his brows.

"With me?"

"I can't continue having this relationship with you." She cleared up what she had meant.

"But I love you Cecilia." He told her, hoping she would say it back. She shook her head and started sobbing harder.

"I'm sorry, but I don't love you back. I love, Dean. And this, what's going on between us is hurting him." She told him, furiously wiping her tears away. "Me, I'm hurting him. Oh god." She cried, he just stared at her hurt.


"Please don't say anything." She told him, he nodded his head in compliance.

"Why don't we lay here, until you calm down?" He asked her, she just stared at him for a long time having an internal battle as if she should, but she eventually agreed.

The two of them laid on the bed, Toby threw the covers over them as she laid resting her head on his naked chest. He continue to rub her back, to calm her down. She fell asleep soon enough, as he continued staring at the ceiling.

The two of them woke up to the bedroom door slamming shut. They woke up startled looking at each other.

Dean. Cecilia thought to herself, he had seen them. She ran out of the room and down the stairs, she looked around the house not seeing him. When she heard the roaring of his Chevy Impala. She ran outside the house and saw that he was about to leave so she ran to the middle of the road, making him stop the car.

Cecilia ran to the passenger seat and slipped inside before he could put on the locks, he sighed and looked at her.

"I can't continue doing this, Cecilia." He told her with tears in his eyes.

"I know."

"That's all you're going to say? 'I know'?" He asked her.

"What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know, maybe an apology. An 'I won't do this again. But if you're not going to mean it, you can just leave." He said, looking intensely into her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again." She told him, he inhaled before he spoke, angry.

"Leave the car, Cecilia. Don't say words you don't mean." He told her, but she didn't leave. So, he exploded and yelled at her. "Leave the damn car Cecilia!"

"I do mean it Dean!" She yelled back at him, a bewildered look on his face as she continued speaking. "I'm sorry, Dean. I'm so sorry, for hurting you. I never meant to do it, I didn't know why I even payed attention to my parents. In the end all their advice would've done was make me lose the one thing in the world that matters to me, you! And I can assure I will never do anything like that again, I won't put you through anything like that again. But I totally get if you want to leave me, I mean I would too. I've put you through so much and staying with someone like me would be the worst decision someone might take. So, I'm sorry for all I've done to you." She told him, with a sad small and left the car making her way to the house.

Dean sighed and looked at her walking to the house, before he opened his door and walked to her. She turned around when she heard the footsteps behind her, only for Dean to smash his lips against her's. After a while they separated, and he smiled at her while she looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Why?" Was all she could ask him.

"Because even though it might be the worst decision I have ever done, and I've taken some pretty bad ones. Loving you was never a mistake, and I'd like to be with you for the rest of my life." He told her, she smiled at him and kissed him again.

"Is it a bad time to say that I'm still here?"

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