chapter seven

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The In-Laws


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THE BLURRY FIGURE OF CECILIA RUNNING AROUND THE HOUSE WAS ALL DEAN COULD STARE AT. Her parents were visiting and it was stressing her out. Every time they were reunited all the did was fight and pick on everything Cecilia did wrong, which to them was every single thing she did.

She wasn't going to tell anybody but the thing she had been stressing about at the baptism, was because of her parents being there. As much as she thanked her parents for the advice and for raising her, she was never their favorite child. All she reminded them was a memory from a failed marriage, and as much as she tried to change that image she couldn't.

Which is why she followed every single thing they told her to do. Once when she was just 18, they told her to sleep with her friend's dad in order for them to get more money than they already had, that was the one thing she couldn't do but she lied about it and told her friend and her parents. That lie ended up causing the divorce of her friend's parents.

Everything she did wasn't enough for them, when she got accepted into Princeton they scolded her for not getting into Harvard, when she got a job at a law firm they scolded her for not starting her own law firm, when she started dating Dean they scolded her for getting into a relationship.

When the news of Cecilia and Dean dating got to her mom, she told her to find a man who she could have an affair with. Because love and commitment was just a myth, anyone who committed to anything never got far in life. So Cecilia trying to get her mother's approval did just that. Her father told her that she had to let Dean know she was having an affair, because one thing stood clear in their family and it was that they weren't liars, they accepted their mistakes. The only lie Cecilia had ever told was the one about sleeping with her friend's dad.

And another lie that she was keeping was that, her and Toby had never gone farther than making out. She didn't want to completely go through with it, so she just made it seemed to Dean and her parents that she was in fact sleeping with him.

She wanted that lie to end so badly. But even though Dean would always put her over himself, Cecilia would place her parents over herself.

Dean started laughing when Cecilia almost fell on top of him, having had tripped on the carpet. She glared at him, before continuing to clean the house. Dean placed his feet on top of the coffee table as he sat back and relaxed, he closed his eyes for a couple of minutes. But opened them when he didn't hear Cecilia's footsteps. He saw Cecilia looking at him with her arms crossed over her chest tapping her left feet against the carpet with an exasperated look.

"Really?" She asked him, she moved forward and swatted his feet off the table. "Get your feet off the table and help me." She scolded him, as he was going to stand up a knock was heard from the doorway. Cecilia widened her eyes and fixed herself up.

Dean walked over to her and grabbed her by her shoulder, she looked at his face. "Everything is going to be fine, sweetheart." He told her leaving a kiss on her forehead. She sighed and made her way over to the front door and opened it, there stood both of her parents with annoyed looks on their faces.

"Hello, Cecilia." Her mother said looking at her in slight disgust.

They had finished eating dinner and the whole time, her parents hadn't stopped criticizing her and Dean. The two of them had been holding hands under the table for support during the dinner.

Right now Cecilia stood in the kitchen cleaning the dishes when she heard the heels of her mother enter the kitchen. She heard her mother groan in disgust.

"You really have to redecorate your kitchen." She told her looking around. "Scratch that, you should redo your whole house. Like your sister Amelia did, her house looks fantastic." Her mother said with a huff.

"Yes, mother." She said not looking up at her, she just continued scrubbing the dishes.

"Maybe I can get you the number for the guy that did it, I think his name was Antonio or Andres." Her mother mumbled.

"Angel, his name was Angel." Cecilia told her mother, finally turning to her. She put the dish she had just finished into the dishwasher. Her mother smiled at that, a superior smile.

"Angel, yes of course." She said. "Although there's nothing he can do about that hair and style of yours." She said absentmindedly.

"I will be sure to fix it, ma'am." She told her.

"Good. Now tell me about Dean, are you doing what I told you?" Her mother asked her, with a raised eyebrow.

"I am, mother."

"Who is it?" Her mother asked with a smirk, liking how obedient Cecilia was.

"Toby Harrison, he's an architect." Cecilia told her mother, making sure to stand straight.

"Isn't he the rich architect, you made even richer by winning his case?" She asked Cecilia, to wish she nodded. Her mother chuckled. "Good, you may leave now." Her mother told her, Cecilia nodded again and began walking out of the kitchen but her mother stopped her by putting her hand on her chest. Her mother leaned down to her ear and spoke. "Remember this Cecilia, love doesn't exist and people who commit..."

"Don't get far in life."

CECILIA ➵ Dean Winchester ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz