chapter 30

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I wake up too the sun beaming on my eyes my head rested on Johnny's chest what I was doing could either be really great or really horrible my emotions are crazy right now I Love Johnny that is no shocker to anyone but I'm also starting to catch feelings for David ....I peck his cheek to wake him up he smiled his cute little dimples I sat on top of him and started to admire his body he defiantly has an amazing body but thats not what I loved about him his personality was great 

I got out of bed trying not to wake up johnny I walked into a restroom started to wash my face and brush my teeth i walked upstairs to my room when I see David walking out  hey bud he looked up at me oh hey Annie where'd you go last night i was worried sick about you I thought someone kiddnaped you and couldn't vlog it I socked him playfully sadly I didn't I was talking to Johnny all night I'm sorry but thank you for the party last night it was an amazing night I hugged him he hugged back but pulled away wait Johnny as in the kid you were in love with for ages ,yes that would be the one .Annie I thought we had something and all of a sudden that kid comes into ruin everything we had this isn't fair at all you were so into me !! David me and Johnny had something that no one else can give me he makes me the happiest girl ever and I know it may sound a bit weird because like last week I hated his guts but I cant control my emotions I feel so much for him David I was walking away when David said something that cut deep well have fun when his girlfriend finds out about this what did you just say ? Annie are you clueless he's still dating kenzie so what ever he said last night was probably just the alcohol talking he was so right he does have a girlfriend .

I threw my hair into a messy bun because we weren't doing anything til later tonight I'm so confused right now I'm so hurt but I mean I should have see it coming he's done this to me plenty of times why should I be surprised it was probably just the alcohol I left the house as soon as possible I didnt want to see Johnny again .I asked David if he wanted to go to get lunch with me he gladly excepted we got into his Tesla bumping old bops we pulled up to a cute little cafe and we talked about our lives .His smile is too die for he's truly adorable we kept on laughing until my favorite people  walked in my smile disappeared David notices so he turns around he said we could go but I'm not gonna let johnny and kenzie ruin this for me .

short chapter but check out my new story secret love it would mean allot !!! 

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