chapter 10

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(johnny's pov )
it's been a month since caleb's passing yes he passed annie's still upset witch i completely understand i've come over to her house everyday i help her day by day she's getting better she's smiling a bit not to much im just happy my baby's doing better.

No me and annie aren't dating yet i don't wanna ask her out right now she's hurting i have to think about her and hayley her parents help eachother they are all like family to me and i really just want them to be happy.

Annie still goes to college everyday someone walks up to us with a gift or saying they are sorry for her loss annie just smiles and thanks them she can't show that she's hurting you know.

it's a friday night and today i have a football game yes i still play as for annie she might start next semester if she feels ready or any better i already went over to the leblanc house today tho witch is always good hayley's learned to celebrate caleb's life and not to be sad about it.

So ever day she's happy you can tell she's hurting but only if you knew her well if you didn't you just see a very happy girl witch i love hayley's honestly so adorable i smiled at the thought of hayley making me have a tea party with her and her stuffed animals.

annie on the other hand is very hurt her and her brother were always so close so i don't blame her she still crys once in a while but my anns is strong she will learn to celebrate life for caleb and i'm gonna be here every step of the way .

I got to the football field we did everything we needed to do then we went out to the field i looked at the bleachers because i heard my name it was annie my annie it made me happy that she came she looks really happy that made me happy :) .

skip to the end of the game because i don't know anything about football sorry lmao i'm horrible :( !

we won once again annie blew me a kiss and i acted like i caught it and put it to my heart she laughed and screamed out your soooo dumb johnny and i said " i'm clumsy cause i'm falling in loveeeee "

(annie's pov )

i'm doing better i think i mean i can get out of bed normally i don't roll off anymore i feel useless but i've thought about it and caleb wouldn't want me to feel like this he would want me to be happy so i'm gonna do exactly that i'm gonna make bubba proud .

Instead of laying in bed all day and watching the office for the 10th time this month i'm gonna get dressed apply a little bit of make up and go to johnny's game i mean common he comes over every day to help me it wouldn't hurt if i went to one of his games to cheer him on .

Mommy and daddy still aren't doing good so i kissed them goodbye told them i'd be back in an hour or 2 and they hugged me tight i mean i couldn't imagine the pain they are going through right now losing a child i couldn't imagine they told me to be safe and i said ok i went outside to wait for hayden to pick me up .

Moments later hayden summerall pulls into my drive way i jumped off my porch and ran to his car i haven't seen hayden in a while so i was supper happy i got inside i gave him a huge hug  and plugged my phone into the aux cord  and played "doing it wrong by drake "  hayden rolled his eyes and continued to drive.

hayden still plays football but he broke his leg riding his dirt bike like a month or 2 ago but he's gonna play again not right now but soon we pulled into the school campus parking lot and i got out of the car as did hayden we walked to the bleachers sat down i pulled out some snacks for myself then of course hayden didn't let me have it all to myself .

20 minutes later the boys got on the field johnny was number 56 i looked for his jersey and i found him he's on the field he was about to play i called out his name and he turned around and waved i don't know if he was smiling because he had his helmet on but i sat down and watched the game .

the game was over and our school had won so i blew johnny a kiss and he acted like he caught it and put it to his heart and i told him he was stupid and he said " i'm clumsy cause i'm falling in love " what a dork i thought to myself i told hayden we should leave and meet up with johnny at a pizza spot or something i texted johnny asking if he would go obviously it was a yes .

me and hayden got back into the car and hayden handed me the aux knowing that i wanted to play music i grabbed it plugged it into my phone and listened to closer and a couple of other songs we soon arrived at the pizza joint and we got a table hayden said he would go order the pizza so i was at the table scrolling through social media and i saw something that caught my eye it was like a picture of me and hayden hugging in his car but it kinda looked like something else but who could it be no one was there ?

johnny pulled into the pizza place and sat in front of me and happily said hey phew atleast he dosent know about it i mean nothing happened between me and hayden it was just a hug a girl can't hug a guy ? hayden came back with a 3 cups for us i went to go get my drink so did hayden johnny said he would wait til we came back i nodded my head and walked off

i then pulled out and showed hayden the picture since johnny was kinda far hayden's eyes widen and kinda shouted out what !! i said i know i know but we need to tell johnny the truth before someone else makes a lie about it ok hayden nodded in agreement and we walked back to the table and -

cliffhanger 😝😝😝!!
sorry don't hate me ;)
you'll find out what happens tomorrow ty sm for reading <3

too good to be true ? (johannie)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora