Trade Mistakes

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So Ashley did like me.. but I realized something. I can't hurt anyone. With what had happened before, I couldn't risk Ashley losing me. Or me losing him. I just couldn't do it. So, after that kiss... I rejected him.. as much as it bothered me to say no and force him away.. I knew it was better than having him cry over my death or something. But he didn't give me such a good reply.

"Scarlett! Lunch!"Jinxx calls and I go downstairs. Ashley wasn't at the table. I bite my lip nervous. What if he took it the wrong way? What if he hurt himself!

Ashleys POV

"Ashley.. why me?"She asks. I smile afraid of what to say really.. she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had ways of making me laugh and she was. seriously cute. "Because you're perfect. and your gorgeous as hell."I smiled pulling a strand of hair from her face.

She didn't seem in this happy mood.. she didn't seem in a pissy mood.. her face was dumbfounded more of. She sighed and pulled my hand away from her cheek. "Ash.. I I can't do this."she looks at me with sorrow in her eyes. I back away slowly "Are, are you serious? I just kissed you.. admitted my feelings to you.. and this.. this is how you treat me!"I spat tearing up and I ran out of her room slamming the door and go into mine. I'm such a idiot. Honestly, I thought she'd feel the same way but only for me to have her spit it in my face of rejection. What a fucking shameful prick I am. "Ashley! Lunch!"Jinxx called. I ignored him. It was embarrassing enough for her to say no. I wasn't gonna let them see my tears... or my pain. I wasn't really hungry anyway.

Scarlett's POV

It's been almost a week since that kiss.. Ashley hasn't stepped foot out of his room. Everytime I pass his room, I hear crying, singing or his music playing loud enough for the neighbors to hear. I couldn't take this anymore. It's because of me he can't even look at anyone anymore.

I sighed and looked on my laptop for anyone that needs a roommate or even an empty apartment for rent. I can't have Ashley hide from anyone because of me. Because of his shame he felt on me. I look on some more website until I found someone who needed a roomate. His name was Brendon Urie. I sighed and emailed him. Quickly I got a response. Cool, he was in. Quickly, I pack my things and left a note for Andy to find later. I sighed and snuck out the back door into a cab and went to his apartment. I knocked on the door and he opened it. I smile and walk in. "So, you're scarlett?"He asked. I nodd and look around. "Nice apartment."I said and I go upstairs.

Brendon's a nice guy. He's smart, funny and very sarcastic. I had to learn that the hard way. But he became my best friend.

Soon enough, two years past.. and I had found myself in my own band, called Lovely Death. I was the lead singer and guitarist. This girl Jesy I met on Craigslist was my 2nd guitarist. My old friend from school Johnny was my drummer and his twin sister Bella was the bassist. We were a pretty damn hardcore band to be honest. And it felt good to be an idol to everyone. I enjoy helping my fans through tough times because a lot of them relate to me.

'I will change the way people see me.. I will change the way everything moves. If I could just reach into the darkness, then maybe everything would be different. Sometimes things need to be different.' I finish singing the song and smile blowing kisses to fans.

Automatically, we switch to our cover of 5 finger death punch's Cradle To the Grave.

The blood that runs within my veins

(the blood that runs within my veins)

Keeps me from ever ending up the same

(ending up the same)

The fire that's pushing me on and on and on

(on and on and on)

To me it's everything and it makes me fucking strong

Love me or hate me

I walk alone

Been called a monster, called a demon, called a fake

(called a fake)

I'm not an idol, not an angel, not a saint

(I'm not a saint)

I walk alone, I always have, I'm not ashamed

(not ashamed)

A living nightmare from the cradle to the grave

The soul that lives within my chest

(the soul that lives within my chest)

Just won't allow me to turn out like the rest

(turn out like the rest)

This heart that's driving me on and on and on

(on and on and on)

Has the same vision and it keeps me fucking strong

Love me or hate me

I walk alone

Been called a monster, called a demon, called a fake

(called a fake)

I'm not an idol, not an angel, not a saint

(I'm not a saint)

I walk alone, I always have, I'm not ashamed

(not ashamed)

I've always been a living nightmare from the cradle to the grave

I walk alone

Been called a monster, called a demon, called a fake

(called a fake)

I'm not an idol, not an angel, not a saint

(I'm not a saint)

I walk alone, I always have, I'm not ashamed

(not ashamed)

A living nightmare from the cradle to the grave

(I walk alone)

Been called a monster, called a demon, called a fake

(called a fake)

I'm not an idol, not an angel, not a saint

(I'm not a saint)

I walk alone, I always have, I'm not ashamed

(not ashamed)

I'll always be a living nightmare from the cradle to the grave

It felt good to be on track with my life.

Baby Scars (Ashley Purdy)Where stories live. Discover now