The Decieved

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Semester break was over. And I spent it with Andy's mother. I really missed so much when I left town for college. Andy had started a band called 'Black Veil Brides', and they became really popular. I was proud of him. I

I walk back into the school and sighed taking in the scent of textbooks and pencils. I walked up to the greeter and smile "I'm here for my room key." Over break we have to return our key for the week if we go anywhere. "I'm sorry Ms.Rose, it seems as if you didn't pay for your last semester." She said. My draw drops. "What do you mean?!"I was panicking. I needed to finish college. So I could get a degree for music. "It seems your mom never paid."She said. "Sorry." I tear up and nodd. "It's fine."I say and walk back out. Where was I gonna go now? I couldn't go home. Whipping out my phone, I search through my contacts and see Andy's contact. His mom had given me his new number. I sighed. Should I call? Would he still care for me like he has? Only one can hope. I press dial and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"The voice was different. Andy must of changed. It wasn't as deep.. "Uhm.. is this Andy?"I ask. My palms grew sweaty. I was so nervous to speak to Andy again. "Nope. This is Ashley. Andy's in the shower. Aannnd he's out."There was muffling and soon I heard his deep low voice. "Hello?" I gulp and take a deep breath. "Andy?.. yeah its, it's Scarlett."I said. There was a gasp. "Scar? Os that really you? I thought you were at college!"He sounded happy. "I was at college. Until my mother didn't pay for my last semester. So now I have no where to go."I said. "Let me guess, Andy can I stay with you? Because I'm poor at the moment and have nowhere to go."To be honest, it sounded better in my head. "Andy don't be mad.. It's hard to explain. Please let me stay with you."I begged. "Scarlett, I haven't spoke to you in four years!! I can't just let you stay with me! Fuck! I barely know what you look like now!"He spat. I tear up and nodd. "You're right. I'm sorry for asking."I whispered and put my hand to my mouth trying to cover the sobs spewing from my lips. There was a long pause coming from him. "Why do you need a place to stay anyway? Don't you have your parents?"He asked. He seemed calmer but still in an attitude. "My father is dying Andy, and he's in the hospital. And my mom... I don't know what's wrong with her. She doesn't want me there. I tried to visit her last week. She doesn't give a shit. That's why I asked you. Because you're all I have left."I sob. He sighs "I'm sorry for freaking out on you like that. I guess you can stay with the boys an I. Do you think you can get a ticket for a train to L.A.?"He asks. I nodd "Yeah. I got enough money."I say. "Call me when you get there."He said. I nodd again and we say our goodbyes before I hang up.

Andys POV

Scarlett. She's coming here. My best friend from ages ago. She was like a sister to me. Hopefully she still is. I sigh and sip my redbull. I should tell the guys about her. Tell them to stay away. Especially Ashley. I can't have her leaving because of a broken heart. I gather all the guys into the livingroom of the giant house we shared. "What's up Andy?"CC asks plopping down on top of Jake and Ashley. They groan. "Come on CC! Your ass is in my face and it doesn't smell or feel nice!"Jake whines and pushes him onto the floor. I sigh but couldn't help it and laughed. CC has this crazy personality and he's hilarious. Kinda why he's the drummer. I knew if I gave him a guitar he'd fucking either smash the damn thing or lose it. He's lost so many drumsticks. "Alright I need to warn you all about something. I'm having a very good friend of mine stay with us until she gets on her feet." I start. Ashleys lips curve into a smirk. "A she?"He asks. I sigh "Don't hit on her. Don't kiss her, fuck her and don't even try to get her to fall in love. She's not good at that type of thing."I look at Ashley as I say all of that. He rose his hands in defense. "Fine, I won't even look at her."I roll my eyes "Good. I gotta go pick her up now." Jinxx rose his hand "Actually you have to help me set up for the party tonight. So does these two."he pointed to Jake and CC fighting on the floor. I sighed. "Have Ashley help you."I said. He shook his head. "He'll just go to sleep as usual."Ashley smirks. "I'll get her!"I sighed. "Fine. Don't fuck her on the way back."I said. "No promises"He said messing with my hair before walking out. This isn't gonna go to well..

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