The route itself were tricky, no matter how well planned the route was, they could not evade the surveillance along a corridor. They needed to get pass through that as well.

"Manoeuvre the angle of the camera." Yoongi said.

"How?" Hoseok asked him.

"Basketball. We've got one shot. I have it in my car. Let's do this." Yoongi exclaimed.

Namjoon found it highly peculiar that one of the weapon of choice for Yoongi and Hoseok was a Basketball. The duo treaded and weaved past through the planned route with pistols and a single Basketball. But he trusted Yoongi with his life, Yoongi had restrained him multiple times from hurting Lara and never told him off for it. He just listened on to their conversations via his smartphone.

Once Yoongi and Hoseok had reached the intersection, they halted. Yoongi breathed in a considerable amount of air, positioned himself behind the wall that they were hiding at, arched his elbow and threw the basketball straight towards the camera. The camera did not manoeuvre, instead it fell down before crashing into broken pieces, it whirred noisily before it turned quiet.

"You literally killed it." Hoseok murmured quietly as he looked at the broken surveillance camera in awe.

Yoongi did not bother to reply, he merely ran from the intersection to the next route leaving Hoseok behind. Once they have finally reached the power circuit control room, he used Hoseok's master key and opened up the door.

He was welcomed by the presence of two menacing looking assailants. Both had the same dazed look that Yoongi and Namjoon had whenever they were in contact with Lara's body under moisture.

"You smell like Lara." One of them snarled, as he launched himself towards Yoongi.

Yoongi dodged the guy before he punched him hard on the abdomen that rendered him unconscious, he was then pummelled down backwards against the hard floor by the other assailant. He groaned out in pain, before his assailant did the most peculiar thing; he sniffed Yoongi's lips and whispered, "Lara..."

Yoongi pushed his assailant off of him as his assailant snarled and attempted to hit him right before he was kicked on the face by Hoseok who had entered the room.

"You're late!" Yoongi growled as he looked at Hoseok's form from the back. He had hit the second assailant hard on the head using a nearby fire extinguisher, rendering him unconscious.

"You LEFT me." Hoseok retorted angrily, he moved swiftly towards the main circuit box and turned off the power supply.


As soon as the power supply went off, Jungkook and Tae Hyung rushed towards the main door and ran straight towards Yoongi's office. They took the supplies needed quickly before heading towards the proposed area to rendezvous with Yoongi and Hoseok.

"Namjoon." Yoongi's usual drawl was replaced by a worried tone through the receiver.

"Speak." Namjoon ordered.

"Something is fucked up. The men we fought at the power circuit room seemed to behave like US when we are exposed to Lara under moisture.." Yoongi explained, his voice filled with uncertainty.

"How is that possible? She is not exposed to any form of liquid. WE are still normal.." Namjoon retorted.

"I know." Yoongi snapped impatiently, "Listen, I kissed her lips before we left Seokjin's house earlier. This- This perpetrator sniffed my lips and exclaimed that it was Lara's scent. Now explain that."

Namjoon kept quiet, it was an odd gesture and he knew Yoongi. Yoongi was not the one to fabricate stories, just like his thesis writing back in university, it was always on point, brief and straightforward- nothing else.

"If what you are saying is true.. Then Lara is in grave danger. I will inform Park Jimin." Namjoon replied as he hung up.


Jungkook and Tae Hyung were in their full armour before they met up with Hoseok and Yoongi. They were at an advantage; despite being in the dark, they were well accustomed to every nook and cranny of the building which made it easier for them to move around. They were certain that they could take down the person who had infiltrated the building; just before they turned right from the corner to get to the area where they were supposed to meet Yoongi and Hoseok, Jungkook received a hard whack on his abdomen. The perpetrator then thrusted a knife right into Jungkook's exposed sides, where the bulletproof vest did not manage to cover.

Jungkook yelled out in pain before Tae Hyung released a gun shot towards the perpetrator's arm. While the perpetrator yelled out in pain, Tae Hyung pulled Jungkook towards him to safety and aimed his pistol at the perpetrator.

"Who the hell are you?! And what do you want from US?!" Tae Hyung yelled.

The injured perpetrator who was now holding onto his bleeding arm laughed, maniacally. He looked up towards Tae Hyung before his eyes darted towards Jungkook.

"You two reek of her scent. Especially tough boy down there.." he pointed to Jungkook. "Your hand.. You touched her earlier didn't you?" The perpetrator had a scary looking face, it was covered in angry looking scars, his head was shaved clean and his mouth curled into a sinister smile.

Before Tae Hyung could reply to his odd comment, he sniffed the air with his eyes closed.

"But what is this? He smells like one of us and her scent is ALL OVER HIM." The perpetrator called out as he turned around to look at Yoongi who had a gun aimed against the perpetrator's temple.

"Answer the damn question." Yoongi growled.

"Call me.. Chul." The perpetrator revealed, "Your Agent will die from that stab wound. He is bleeding profusely. He won't make it on time. You need her to heal him."

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