17. Act fast

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17. Act fast

" oh.. Hi guys! Where is Mrs Hannah?" asked Narmen confused as she entered the class room. All the students were talking with each other but stopped as Nana opened the door. Alex entered after her confused as well.

" oh hi Narmen! She wont come to class today so we are gonna have this class free" said a girl smiling who was sitting on a desk talking to her bf. Narmen nodded smiling.

" see, nothing happened when we were late. We ran all the way for nothing!" whispered Alex with crossed arms. Nana just rolled her eyes and turned to the class. She noticed Mike talking to a guy she knew, she then headed to him smiling with Alex behind her.

"hi Mike, hi Steve" said Narmen politely with a cute smile on her face. Mike quickly turned and his face quickly lit up as soon as he saw her. He stood up in 1 quick move smiling.

"oh Hi Narmen! Please take a seat" said Mike with happy blue eyes. Narmen thanked him shyly and sat next to him. Alex stood therewith crossed arms and annoyed green eyes.

" so how was ur day?.. Eh i mean yesterday?" asked Mike smiling shyly making his cheeks even reder. His blue eyes looked at her in a bit embaresment. Narmen smiled looking at him softly.

" it was fine, i stayed at Alex's place" said Narmen with warm gold eyes smiling at him. Mike smiled back with admiration, staring into those gold eyes that had always trapped him. But Nana's mind was actually in another place, she remembered that bathroom thing.

" so what did u do for.." said Mike but stopped when he noticed that Narmen's eyes werent on him, but on her cousin who was sitting behind him.

Narmen smiled cutely to Alex as she pointed on the small plaster on his forehead. Alex touched it and laughed silently. His face then darkened as he heard Mike talking and his green eyes gave Nana a disapproving look as he glanced quickly at him.

Narmen just rolled her eyes at him, showing him that his acting silly. Alex just crossed his arms letting her know that he is serious. Narmen frowned in a menacing way, her gold eyes threatening him and telling him its none of his business.

" what were you saying Mike?" asked Narmen in a sweet voice as she turned to him. She then stared into his blue eyes as she saw that look.. That look she saw in his eyes when they were bout to kiss but Alex stopped them. It was clear now, it was that look of fear. That look of fear when he saw her threating scary face that she just made to Alex. It reminded him that she was a violent girl when she gets angry. He quickly threw that thought away and smiled at her.

" i just wanted to ask u bout what u ve done for that project.." said Mike as he began a conversation. But Narmen was still confused. ' why was he afraid from me?' thought Nana as she heard him speaking to her.

Hours later..

" hi girls! How are you? Sorry for being late but you know Mr Ray. He can be a bit talkative sometimes!" said Narmen as she sat at their table. Ellen, Wanderer, Nora and even Nick was there already, but it wasnt her fault.. She didnt really mean to make them wait.

" oh Hi Nick! Nice to see you again and welcome to our table" said Narmen smiling softly to him as she took her seat between Wanda and Ellen, with Nora next to Wanda and Nick next to Ellen in the circle. Nick smiled back at Narmen in a respectful way then turned to Ellen who was laughing with Wanda. A warm smile formed on his lips as he watched her.

" yeah.. You can say the volley ball table as each 1 of them is a volley ball star, except for me. I must admit im a loser in that sports thing!" said Ellen playfully as she rolled her wide blue eyes smiling. She then shook her head laughing causing her blonde curls to dance in the air, as she remembered her not-the-least-successful attempts to play any sport.

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