Chapter 5

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Me and Ethan were sat down eating while  talking and laughing
You: so how do you feel being the next king
Ethan: honestly I'm quite happy because you're gonna be the queen
Tessa heard and she smiled at Alissa and Alissa smiled back at her
I smiled and blushed
You: you're not nervous?
Ethan: no. Are you?
You: well yeah. It's a big step and I don't know if I will be good at being queen and that I will just disappoint everyone
Ethan: listen to me you're gonna be the best queen ever. You have just got to try you're hardest. He said as he placed his hand on mine. I felt butterflies flying in my stomach I've never been in love like this before.
Dad: what's happening?
Mum: can't you see that your daughter has feelings for Ethan and Ethan has feelings for her too
Dad: aw my baby is falling in love. I think I'm going to cry I just need a second. Dad said as tears were forming in his eyes  as he walked out.
You: dad are you ok?! I asked concerned
Dad: yes dear.
I looked at mum and smiled at me. I was confused why was she smiling at me. And why dads crying
Alissa who was sitting next to me and whispered
Alissa: you made your dad cry. She smiled
You: how?
Alissa: because you're in love
I smiled
You: I will be right back Eth
Ethan: ok fio
That's what he calls me. He's Basically the only one who can call me that.
I went outside to find my dad and i saw him by the lake
You: hey dad are you ok?
Dad: yeah. It's just you're growing up so fast
You giggled
You: little girls can't stay little girls forever
Dad: i know that but you won't be daddy's little girl now
You: oh dad I will always be your little girl no matter how old I am.
Dad: oh Fiona I love you so much you're the best thing that has ever happened happened to me and mum. He said as he hugged me
You: I love you too
I hugged back
Dad: so you and Ethan? Dad said as he stepped back from the hug
You: yeah you can say I have feelings for him. I hope you're not mad
Dad: I'm Not mad I'm happy for you
You: oh I knew you would be mad at me- wait what? You're not mad at me?
Dad: Fiona why would I be mad at you falling in love with your best friend? He's so sweet towards you. You guys make the perfect king and queen. Baby I wouldn't be mad at who you fall in love with.
You: thank you dad
Dad: anytime
You: let's go back to the dinner or do you want a bit more fresh air?
Dad: no I'm great let's go back in. He smiled at me and we headed back

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