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This is you

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This is you. You're name is princess Fiona you're 19 years old. Your parents are Queen Diana and king Evan and you will be the next queen.

This is Alissa violet she's 18 years old and she's known to be one of your best friends

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This is Alissa violet she's 18 years old and she's known to be one of your best friends.

This is Alissa violet she's 18 years old and she's known to be one of your best friends

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This is Tessa Brooks. And she's also 18 years old and plays also as your best friend

 And she's also 18 years old and plays also as your best friend

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This is Erika Costell. She's 17 years old and is the girlfriend of Jake Paul. She also wants to be the next queen but of course you aka princess Fiona is next on line and who is the only one. And Erika hates you for that and gets revenge

 And Erika hates you for that and gets revenge

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This is jake Paul. He's 17 years old and he's known to be Erika Costells boyfriend and the younger brother of Logan paul

 He's 17 years old and he's known to be Erika Costells boyfriend and the younger brother of  Logan paul

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this is Logan paul. He's 19 years old the older brother of Jake Paul

 He's 19 years old the older brother of Jake Paul

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this is prince Ethan Dolan. He's 19 years old and he is known as your best friend and he has a twin brother names Grayson

 He's 19 years old and he is known as your best friend and he has a twin brother names Grayson

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this is Grayson Dolan. He's 19 years old as well who is also known as your best friend and is the brother of Ethan Dolan

That's all the characters and I hope you enjoy this story. (There might be more characters joining I don't know but we will see )

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