Chapter 2

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I was so lost in my thoughts thinking about Ethan and say dreaming about him
Alissa: HELLO! Alissa shouted
I quickly snapped out of It and jumped up
You: oh Alissa hi I didn't hear you come in
Alissa: yeah because you were daydreaming about Ethan. Alissa smiled and smirked
You: I was talking to myself about Ethan?
Alissa: you bet you was
You: what was I saying?
Alissa: everything you were day dreaming in your head
You: ugh Alissa I don't know what to do he's my best friend and I have developed feelings for him
Alissa: well why don't you tell him
You: well I just realised I'm in love with him and I don't want to ruin my friendship with him
Alissa: well who said that's gonna ruin your friendship with him
You: that's how the process goes
Alissa: not all of it
You: what do you mean?
Alissa: some of the process goes like you telling him how you feel and him telling you that he likes you as well
You: what if that doesn't happen? And it goes the other way around and it turns out he doesn't like me
Alissa: but the good thing is that you let out the annoying little thing in your heart
Alissa stood up.
Alissa: i will let you get ready for the Christmas party
You: alright
Alissa: bye sister
You: bye sister . I laughed, we called each other that when we were little and we still do.
You: the good old memories. I said as I walked
Over to my makeup desk...

I hope you like this chapter and I hope you like this story 𗀃𗁣𗀕𗁤

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