Chapter 10

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It was the end of the day and the other people went home which was Logan , Jake and Erika since Ethan, Tessa, Alissa and Grayson practically live in the same palace as me
You: I call a sleepover! My room!
Alissa&tessa: yay!
Tessa: I will grab my stuff
Alissa: same!
They ran upstairs
You: I will meet you guys upstairs. I laughed
I went to walk upstairs when Ethan called my name
Ethan: hey fio wait up!
I turned around and stopped
You: yeah what's up?
Ethan: i just wanted to give you this
Ethan took out a small box out of his pocket
You: what's this about? I asked while going up the stairs and him following beside me
Ethan: I wanted to give you this for our date night tomorrow but I have this other gift that I want to give you so I thought why not give you my gift now
You: aw Ethan that's so sweet of you. Now I have to get you something
Ethan: oh no no it's fine
You: it's my pleasure-
Ethan: Fiona I said it's fine. He smiled
I smiled back
You: ok then
Ethan: I will see you tomorrow night fio
You: night eth
He looked at me and then pressed his lips on mine. I kissed him back. I pulled away and smiled while walking to my room.
Alissa: girl what took you so long?!
I turned around with a huge smile on my face
Tessa: did Ethan give you that?!
You: he kissed me again. I mumbled
Alissa: honey i speak English
You: Ethan kissed me again. I said formally
Tessa: oh my gosh! No way!
Alissa: I'm so happy for you!
Tessa: what's that box about?
I explained everything to them
Alissa: that's so sweet of him!
You: I think I should open it
Tessa: then open it
I opened it to see...

Princesses first loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora