Chapter One

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Song: A part of you

I can't say that I know the difference between pain and relief.

Because they always come together

- Miles Christopher Aston, Malik Salim Khan, Rama Ahmad White.

Four Years later

The reason I'm in California despite my decision not to settle here is due to my upcoming album. I haven't released an album for more than three years.

My second studio album was much more successful than my first album so I made enough of an impression to decide when to release my album. Well sort of. I don't really want to release an album right now but Jerry and the record label feel like it's time. So that means get your ass to the studio.

Jerry has been chewing my ear off for more than 2 months now. I kept nodding along to appease him but I never did make the efforts. Not until last week as I was partying with my boys; Scott, Jabir; who were my closest friends since elementary school and Chan, the newest addition to my entourage of drunks and misfits.

It was a very loud party with too many slutty girls and too much smoke to see anything. It was at my place and Chan had asked a friend of his to DJ for us. He played a couple of songs but then he played this beat, it was just a beat with no vocals in it but it felt like a complete song. It actually gave me enough of a kick to want to go to the studio.

I asked the DJ and he told me that his cousin was friends with the person who made the beat, they were actually a duo; twins who wanted to be producers, well they were, he thought they might even have a record deal. He told me to go to one of their parties "They throw the wildest parties."

The duo called themselves Lig-Den and they were signed to a small label but they had yet to do anything with them. It seemed like they were on an extended vacation or something but after enough groveling from my team the label gave us the number of one of the members.

They refused our offer but I was hoping they would change their mind if I asked them personally.

So here I am, in the back seat of my range with Quinn, my driver and body guard driving me through sunny LA. Jerry is already there, he's waiting for us to arrive.

I sigh quite heavily because I already feel bored; it's noon and I'm sober plus Jerry refused to have Jabir, Scott and Chan anywhere near me. It wasn't like they could drop out of collage on their final year to come watch me make an album anyway. I mean Scott could because he'd given up on collage ages ago.

But at least I wasn't completely friendless in sunny LA because Ken was here, but I barely saw any of him yesterday and we slept in the same apartment.

These Lig-Den must make enough bank because they can afford a gated community property in this state.

Our destination  seems like a mismatch with the rest of the neighborhood, where most of these houses are modern, with glass and painted in dull colors, this house has attitude.

The house is strangely Victorian despite being deliberately modern with a lot of glass involved. It's painted a bright yellow hue that calls for attention, its eye catching if anything. You can barely see inside despite all the glass. It looks like something I would've bought if I had a family.

I get out of the car and go over to Jerry's sleek black BMW. He exits his vehicle and makes his way towards us.

He's like an older brother to me, but the kind of brother that has fathering tendencies.

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