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Kenzie dropped me off at home it was very late and i went inside.

i saw my dad and instantly got scared. "hi dad" i said shakily,

he looked at me and if looks could kill i would've been dead right about now. " uh where's lauren" i asked. " she's at a sleepover" he said coldly while still looking at me i shivered underneath his stare.

"WHERE WERE YOU" he screamed, and i flinched at his tone. "i was out with my friend" i said quietly.

i suddenly felt a hand come across my face as i realized he slapped me really hard, he swung me across the floor and kept beating me up until i couldn't take it anymore,

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" he screamed at me, i looked at him and weakly walked out the door. i sat down on the porch of my so called "home" and cried my eyes out.

i decided to text kenzie because i need her right now because im so weak i cant even move.


A/N: so now you know that johnny's dad is abusive, but i actually love dale(john's dad) irl and i wanted to show that boys can be sad , they can be mistreated and they can get emotional, i hate people who say "boys don't cry" because they're humans they have emotions and they are able to show them if they want to

next chapter is wayyyyy longer anyways don't forget to vote and comment. ♥

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