Other NCT Ships

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The amount of times i wrote steal hoodies when writing this oml. I just took them all out and she basically steals clothes from everyone.
Taeil -Daeil
-Lowkey is like her dad
-super protective
-lowkey gets anxious when she's not nearby
-bullies him about his age
-happily takes it cos she's a baby
Johnny- Johnvie
-You know that one really young, hot, fun 'uncle', yeah that's Johnny
-Does that cute thing where they take you for dates so you know how to be treated by a guy
-mock each other's accents
Taeyong- Daeyong
-Sister/Mum feels
-Does her hair for her
-literally treat each other like kittens
-disapproves of her revealing clothes
Yuta -UV (Yu-Vie)
-Lowkey chat shit about other members in Japanese😂
-fangirl over WinWin together
-always goes to him when she has an issue
-her favourite shoulder to cry on
Kun -Kunvie
-HUGE second mom vibes
-Cooks and cleans for her
-Picks and drops her at school sometimes
-makes sure she has a coat etc.
Doyoung -Dovie
-mkay idk why but i feel like Doyoung is the shit stirrer of NCT and i'm here for it
-Start all the tea and sit back and watch the flames together
-evil snickers
Ten -Tenvie
-Too many inappropriate jokes, bare in mind she was born in 2003 as well
-Dance Collabs😍🔥⚡️
-Support each others hoeing
-Is hiphop a dance for guuurrrrlllsss?
-clowns his 'Baby' rap
-Chittaporn and Dildo Davie
Jaehyun -Daehyun
-Another brother-sister ship
-constant mocking of 'i just want some milk' and 'be quiet don't cry'
WinWin -Daewin
-actual babies
-like can that be a ship just they are babies
-good morning and good night texts
Jungwoo -Jungvie
-cHiVaLrY iS dEaD
-an actual fucking gentleman
-opens doors for her
-always stands on the outside of her
-makes sure she has a blanket/towel covering her legs
Lucas -Xuvie
-Another Loud Ship
-Lowkey hella protective
-chaotic and destructive
-laughs at EVERYTHING she says
-just crackheads

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