Chapter Three

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After everyone was done eating, Tzuyu and Sana cleared the table and went on to wash the dishes. Jeongyeon was getting Nayeon's clothes prepared since they were going out to buy some groceries later. It was an off day for them hence, Mina and Chaeyoung decided to go on a date to the arcade.

"Dubu, I'm going to the practice room, do you want to tag along?" Momo asked Dahyun while putting on her shoes.

"Okay." Dahyun replied and quickly grabbed her phone.

When they were ready, they started walking towards the practice room.

As they approached the room, Momo and Dahyun agreed to practice Yes Or Yes's choreography since Dahyun felt she was still a little weak at some parts of the song.

When they finally reached, they started stretching in comfortable silence.

"Alright. Which part are you not sure of?" Momo asked.

"Jeongyeon's part in the beginning. I can't move my arms as quick as I'm supposed to and I can't move my hips that much too." Dahyun explained.

"Okay. Let's work on the hips first, alright?" Momo asked Dahyun, making sure it was fine with the latter. When Dahyun nodded, Momo started teaching her.

"Alright.First..."Momo started explaining.


After about an hour, Dahyun finally mastered the hips part .Dahyun laid on the floor with her arms spread out widely while panting heavily.

Momo offered her a bottle of water while looking at her.

"What is it?" Dahyun asked Momo after noticing her stares.

"Can you...tell me why you were crying last night?" Momo asked softly, unsure.

Hearing the question, Dahyun immediately looked away.

She had been feeling so stressed out the past few months due to the hectic schedules. Yesterday while she was browsing through the web, she even found hate messages directed to her. Calling her fake and criticising her rapping and dancing skills. Dahyun felt like she shouldn't be affected since she was supposed to be Twice's vitamin but couldn't help but feel sad. She was doing her best but she was tired. She barely got any sleep and her body was way too overwhelmed to function.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me. I just want to be there for you, alright?" Momo patted Dahyun's back.

Dahyun gave Momo a small smile and after a while, they continued practicing like nothing happened.


When they were finally done, it was already night time. That meant they had spent the whole morning AND afternoon in the practice room.

"Are you hungry?" Dahyun asked Momo,knowing that the older gets hungry easily.

"Very hungry. Jihyo texted me that she already ordered some pizza though." Momo informed her.

"Okay." There was silence afterwards. It wasn't the awkward type of silence that made everyone feel uneasy.It was more comfortable and Dahyun enjoyed the quiet walk.

They reached the dorm after about 20 minutes. Just when Momo was about to open the door, Dahyun tugged on her shirt.

"Can you accompany me tonight, again?" Dahyun asked, shyly.

Momo wanted to squeal at how cute Dahyun was being but instead she took the opportunity to tease her.

"Aw, I never knew you loved me that much."

That sentence made Dahyun blushed and she started whining.

"No, I just need someone to be with me. Please?" Dahyun pleaded, dragging her "please".

"I'm just kidding, I'll go to your room since I'm sharing a bed with Jeongyeon and you won't have any space there." Momo laughed.

"Thank you!"Dahyun grinned and pecked Momo's cheeks before running into the dorm,leaving Momo in shock.

Did she just kiss me? Momo thought while touching her cheeks.She could feel her lips curving upwards, forming a big smile. That eagle is too cute. Shaking her head, she entered the dorm.


Chpt 3 : edited ✓

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