"Princess Rosie?" I heard a male voice.

I spun around to see one of the security guards. "Hey Pete. What's up?" I acted really casual around anyone that "worked" for us. I didn't want them to think I was some stuck up teenage girl that got everything she desired. I wanted them to think I was just a normal girl. Because honestly, I was. I was just a normal girl with a title.

"There's some man outside? Claims he knows you." A man. Claims he knows me. Creeper much?

"Erm...I don't know a man that would come here. Could you just get him to leave? Or..."

"He insists that he sees you."

"Is he gonna like...shoot me or something?" I asked hesitantly. There were crazy people out there, okay?

"He looks pretty innocent."

I told him that I'd quickly change out of my pajamas and go outside to see this "man". I changed quickly, combed through my hair, and headed downstairs. I went outside and met up with Pete. I asked him where the guy was and followed him to the main entrance.

Our castle wasn't the type that had tourists filtering through. Actually, scratch that. Parts of the castle definitely had tourists, but the part that we actually lived in and went in didn't have any. That was kind of a given. I'd never run into any people in the house, so it didn't really feel like there were any tourists. 

Back to the point.

I started chewing on my nail, nervous of who could possibly want to see me. Did I have some sort of cousin visiting? Or did I leave my phone somewhere and someone was returning it? I checked my back pocket. Nope. My phone was there.

I saw a familiar face before me and my jaw must've dropped. Louis! Louis Tomlinson was here. He came to see me! Me, Rosie! The same girl who had a forever alone plan! A lad, a very attractive lad, might I add, came to see me! I could have literally ran around in circles doing leaps and cartwheels, I was so excited. I'd break my body nevertheless, but still. I was excited. It was almost as if instantly, my headache was gone. Was that even possible?

"Rosie!" Louis exclaimed. "Finally! None of them wanted to get you. They thought I was crazy." He said quietly, motioning towards the guards, and making sure they couldn't hear him.

I grinned. I honestly needed to contain my excitement. So I un-grinned. If that's such a thing. "Hey. What are you doing here?" If I was at a computer, I'd do a keyboard slam. If I was alone in a room, I'd do a flip (still, I'd break my body). If I had a sandwich, I'd eat it. I'm getting random now, aren't I? Oh well. You understand my excitement. 

"I realized that I'd never gotten your number last night, but I really wanted to get to know you better. So, here I am." I examined him, hopefully not painfully obvious. He was wearing a navy blue and white striped shirt, black trousers, and plain white shoes. Simple outfit, yet perfect. I was obsessing now, wasn't I....

"I can see that." I winked. "And yeah, I realized I wouldn't be getting a ring from you." I pulled my phone out from my back pocket and handed it to him to enter his number. He dialed it in, and I saved it into my phone. I sent him a text so he'd have my number, too. I decided to be bold for once, asking, "Do you wanna come in? Hang out?" I was actually proud of myself for saying that. I'd never really been one to talk to guys well. I'd always shake and have trouble breathing and get nervous...and to be honest, those three things aren't the best combo when getting a guy to like you. But for some reason, I wasn't nervous!

"Uh..." He hesitated.

Oh my god. I came off too strong! He was scared of me! I was going to die on the spot. How could I be so stupid? I wanted to run away and hide in a hole and scream and cry and eat a jar of ice cream and never ever come out. This whole situation was so humiliating! I didn't even understand why I ever tried, guys would never like me! Louis just wanted to get to know me better, not be my boyfriend. There were probably so many prettier girls out there for him.

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