Chapter 6

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Chapter dedicated to @LouisBoo because she guessed the last chapter's gif - from John Tucker Must Die (hilarious movie, must watch!) - first!


"Nicole, I'm really scared for tonight.I have a date with Louis. He's taking me to a carnival." I told her on our way to our lockers.

"I can assure you, Louis's not gonna kill you. I already did a background check,"

I rolled my eyes, "It's not that. I'm scared he's going to try to kiss me again tonight. On our last date he went in for a kiss and then I fake-coughed and told him I'm sick. Needless to say, I don't think he believed me. It's not like I can avoid kissing him forever. He's going to think I don't want to kiss him!"

"Well, do you?"

"Yes! I'm just scared. I've never kissed a guy before! What if I do it wrong? I don't know how to kiss! Do you think I can find instructions on Google? That site has everything..."

"There's no wrong or right way to kiss a guy. You just kinda go with the flow."

I attractively snorted, "Says you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that your first kiss ended with the guy biting your chin."

"We were nervous!" She defended.

"Yeah, okay."


"Hey, Lou." I laughed under my breath.

"What's funny?"

"Get it? Hey Lou, hey you. It kinda sounds the same! Ha, ha..." I trailed off, realizing he probably didn't find the humor in my awkwardness.

"You're so cute."

I smiled sheepishly in effort to hide my blushing, "Hehe, thanks!"

"Uh, I was talking to the bush behind you..." He teased.

I fake-pouted before hopping into his car. He drove us to the carnival which wasn't too far away. I loved carnivals. They had this magical feel to them - kinda like Disney.

"What do you want to do first?" Louis asked, grabbing my hand. I was a little taken aback by this, not that he hasn't held my hand before. I think deep down, I still thought this was all a dream or something. Guys did not like me! I wasn't even exaggerating when I said that - only one guy has asked me out my entire life. Over a text. And I didn't even give him my number, if that's enough of an indication to how much I didn't like him.

" about...that ride?" I pointed to a roller coaster.

Louis nodded his head and we started off towards the ride.

We began to have the conversations that we always had - the random ones.

"I always have terrible school pictures; I hate it!"

"I'm sure yours aren't that bad." He assured me.

"They are though. Like in year eight, my collarbone was popping out. And I mean popping out. The necklace I was wearing was rippled by it! And that was before I got my braces off, too! Then, in year nine one of my eyes are really squinty. Just one of my eyes! So I look like I have a face problem or something because my eyes blink out of sync or something. And then year ten...let's not get started on year ten."

"Wait, back up to year're collarbone?"

"My collarbone!"

He tilted his head to the side, "Well, I guess that's normal for you to say. You are Rosie."

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