LONG POEM #12: "Reality Warrior" part 1

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"Reality Warrior" part1

She wants to stop the pain
Her tears being drowned in the rain

A bruised face wearing a smile
She constantly receives pain every mile

She always hopes for the best
So she must strive and not rest

Her hands are shaking not from fear
But all from her continuous suffering


She whispered softly
But they judged her mockingly

They laughed at her pitiful state
But all she want was to rewrite her slate

She tried to change to be accepted
But she was even more rejected


They yelled at her face
Then walked away with utter grace

She was humiliated by them
All she wanted was to fit in with their rhythm

She was an outcast amongst all
And being humiliated was her biggest fall

Thanks to them she now lost her sense of originality
But that's another part for the continuation of her story...

End of Part 1


Mind of an AmbivertHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin