LONG POEM #10: "Platonic Admiration"

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My heart beats wildly when I see you,
Your goofy smile
Your serious face
All makes my heart race

I know what I'm feeling is not love
I admire you because you belong above
You're very smart
And also athletic

You're not the stereotype
You know the typical nerdy guy
You play sports
But maintain your grades high

I really admire you a lot
You're so awesome from afar
I want to befriend you
But out status is strangers so far

You have your own world
I too have one myself
But I strangely wanna get close to you
To know you more

Not romantically
But in a platonic way
I hope you won't misinterpret
Many people do

I already love someone
Who also loves me, mind you
And yes, he knows
And he understands

We all admire someone
They serve as inspiration
It can be one or lots
Even famous or not

It's completely normal
So don't overreact
It's not the end of the world
You very much know that


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