LONG POEM #9: "Love Story"

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I never really thought this through,
But I swear, I've fallen for you.

I already made a plan for the future
A blueprint of success if I would call it

No, it's not about how to love
It's about how to avoid love and focus on my goal

My goal is to conquer the world!
Which I know sounds ridiculously absurd!

But somehow, I met you.
At first I saw you as an ordinary person.

You're so casual and cool,
A chick magnet that makes other gals drool

I didn't have any interest at all
I was somehow kinda immune

Our friends then became chemists
Sensing a so-called chemistry among us

I laughed it off
You shrugged and scoffed

We then hung out one afternoon
I showed my weird side and acted like a goon

And we talked and talked like weirdos
From knowledgeable facts to cringe-y innuendos

Yep, people all stared and shook their heads
And mentally noted that we're more than friends

And that was probably the start of the spark
That ignited inside the vault of our hearts

Liking you was the worst feeling ever
I mentally told myself that you liking me is a never

You started giving me signals that I can sense
I bitterly laughed and and thought I'm just being dense

I don't want to assume over those actions
Though I have to admit, they're becoming my distractions

You sometimes caught me staring at your features
I marveled at them like your an exotic creature

Those eyes that looks beyond my facade
Who sees my beauty without my charade

You smiled when we made eye contact
I averted my gaze is how I reacted

I hid my blush that crept to my face
And told myself, that I'm being a disgrace

There's no way that he could like me!
This thought is just plain stupidity

I hated myself even more
I know that I locked my door

But love kept knocking
So I made a decision to do something

I will confess my feelings for you
And I will anticipate a rejetion from you

Sure, it will sting
But it's better than nothing

A perfect afternoon had showed up
It's so perfect, it's almost like it's made up

I offered to treat you food
You smiled and and replied "Okay, that would be good"

There was barely anyone
So I told you shyly, but straight on

"Hey...umm...I like you"

I lowered my head out of embarrassment
And prepared myself for what may happend

"I like you too"

I was frozen, unable to speak
Not a single sound from my lips have leaked

I was not expecting this at all!
I want the ground to open up so I could fall!

I fidgeted in my chair
While you smiled and stared

"Okay! I need to go home now!"
I managed to say as I stood up with my head bowed

You smiled in amusement
As my face redenned with embarrassment

I ran home with the adrenaline my body had made
And left you messages for you to read

So that was the start of it all
Don't be afraid to fall

Love has an evil way of attacking
The more you resist the more you're hurting

Take that advice from a weirdo like me
Who has a really strange personality...

A/N: This poem is dedicated to my lover 😊

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