LONG POEM #3: "Lost, Found and Forgotten"

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Who am I?
Is the question I always ponder.
I remember when I was little,
I used to question that with wonder;
Delighted by the thought of knowing,
What role will I take while growing.
Will I be the person who goes to adventures?
Will I be the person who does paper works?
Will I be the person who cares for the little critters
Or will I be the person who teaches youngsters?
I feel old while recalling those memories,
Those were the days when reality haven't been cruel to me;
My life before was gleeful and carefree,
Now I'm devoid of hope and on the brink of insanity.
Sure, that may sound a tad bit exaggerated,
But try living with these voices in your head;
Always saying that you are worthless,
Sapping your self-esteem till you feel nothing,
Feel insecurity over everything.
Forgetting who you are along the path,
But you wouldn't notice it unless you look back,
You'll see that tears that you've shed;
And the scars that once bled.
But that's all in the past, right?
But why do they still haunt me at night?


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