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A loud battle cry filled the fields as I charged forward, taking down the wolves ahead of me.

As I blocked out the noises to focus on attacking the large wolves, the only sound I could hear was my hunter's blade slicing through their skins with the blood smearing the metal.

Using my quick agility to my advantage, I weaved past the wolves expertly and took them down in mere seconds.

I have been training for years, taking down the wolves as they charged forward.

It seems as though my training under my god-father has not failed me, until today.

Wiping away the enemy's blood splattered onto my face, all I see was blood as I kept tearing their skin apart, pieces by pieces until they fell beneath me.

I will take down every last one of the wolves tonight and will definitely wipe out the werewolves one day for as long as I breathe.

The smell of death hung in the air as every life stilled. I stood in the middle of the corpses, my boots stepping onto dead bodies as I trudged my way into the pack.

Our moles has managed to take down some of the fighters, making sure the numbers has decreased slightly before we charged in from all sides.

They have all entry to the pack house opened for us as they waited for the moment to rejoin us as we charge our way in.

The team was led by Angus, my god-father, the man who took me in and trained me to be who I am today ever since my parents' death caused by these ferocious beasts.

I will never forget their cold eyes staring back at me as I could do nothing to save them.

A surge of enegry rolled in waves as I pushed myself to attack these damn beasts, my motivation growing more and more as I avenged my parents' death and bring them down.

They were all the same, ruthless beings to attack innocent humans. They deserved to die for being born as a werewolf.

And every single one of them cannot escape as long as I am alive.

The battle lasted for a few hours before we found ourselves facing the pack leader, the Alpha.

Next to him stood a woman who managed to uphold her grace despite the pack has fallen.

They stood in the office, their fighters fighting until their last breaths. The Alpha has his hand clamped onto the woman whom I assume is the Luna as he took in a deep breath, closing his eyes.

With a vicious blow, Angus's hunter's blade sliced through his throat. We watched as his eyes widened and fell to his knees, his soul leaving him.

I held onto my blade tightly in my hand, forcing it through the woman's throat before pulling it out.

Blood trickled down my blade as I turned and walked away.

Victory was ours and many lives were lost as a result. I looked up at the sky, cold wind blowing past my face as I felt a satisfying contentment.

We have taken down the third pack ever since we started this mission many years back.

It was never easy to infiltrate into the pack and take them down in a day. It takes years of planning just to take a pack down and we were finally tasting sweet victory.

My eyes glanced towards a few of my members as they nodded at me. All of us had our loved ones lost to these beasts and our determination to take them down will never waver as long as we are alive.

I closed my eyes, reminiscing the moments I had shared with my parents as a child before they were taken down before my very eyes, killed by those ruthless claws.

I could still remember their body dropping to the ground as the light left their eyes.

Blinking my eyes open, I turned around to see the members cleaning up the mess as they prepared themselves to burn all the corpses in a bonfire.

I knew they were capable of handling themselves here so I did what I would always do in every mission.

With one last glance towards the dead bodies, I darted towards the forests and never looked back.

• • •

My eyes squinted cautiously as I took in a deep breath before exhaling, letting the arrow released as it hit the deer like how I wanted it to be.

I leapt out from my hiding spot and launched myself onto the prey, taking it down in seconds.

When I had made sure the heartbeat stopped, I binded it with a rope as I dragged it along with me.

Angus would be delighted to see that I have caught a prize for our celebration tonight. After every successful mission, we would be celebrating after we set up the bonfire to burn down the corpses.

This time, Cason, the third-in-command who is also the life of the party, managed to get some beers after trading the valuable items found in the pack house.

I smiled at the thought of having a good drink tonight along with the others who have came along with us in this mission.

Even though a few of our members died, but I knew deep down they were happy that they have avenged for their loved ones.

Angus would have done the proper burial back in our hideout by now.

Just a mile away, I could already sniff the smell of charcoal burning as they have already gathered in our secret hideout.

Banes was the first to notice me as he looked up, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "I knew you would bring back something, what did you manage to get tonight?"

I chuckled, "A deer, of course." As I said this, I laid the deceased deer in front of the fire as some of them rushed to set up for dinner.

"Mhm, what a prize tonight. Looks like the party tonight we are going to get wasted, if not we wouldn't call it a celebration, right?" He rallied the members as he held up a bowl which contained alcohol.

The rest of them held onto their bowls as they cheered at his words, agreeing with him.

He passed me a bowl and nodded at me to drink up while I complied with a laugh. It feels good to be around this bunch whom I call family.

Angus coughed to catch my attention, patting the seat next to him as a gesture for me to sit.

I walked towards him and sat next to him, making myself comfortable as I leaned against the tree.

"Good job, kiddo. You have grown stronger as the years goes by, I'm so proud of you." His alcohol breath hit me as his laughter boomed loudly.

I chuckled, pinching my nose slightly. "How much have you drank, old man?"

His fingers tapped his jaws as he pretended to mull over my question.

"Maybe, a little too much?" I chuckled and shook my head, snatching the bowl from him.

"Your body is not as robust as you used to be last time, don't drink so much, okay?" I chided like I was his daughter.

But really, the doctor said he should take it easy on the amount of alcohol invading his system.

"Alright, alright. When there's you around, I can't say no. Now, what do you say about picking the next pack to target?" He asked, handing me a map which he had managed to source out all of the packs in this big city.

My eyes narrowed down onto this particular pack, the name sounds interesting.

"Golden Moon Pack, let's just see how many golden lives they have before they meet their deaths."

Werewolf HunterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora