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"You are what?" Chaol swiveled his head from feeding Farasha.

Dorian cleared his throat ", I'm engaged."

Yrene grinned ", I knew it! It's with that witch queen isn't it?" 

Chaol laughed ",There is no way he would be that stu-"

Dorian rolled his eyes ", Yes, I am engaged to Manon." He flashed the silver engagement ring he and Manon (actually more like he dragged Manon) bought yesterday. The ring was a sterling silver one with a small yellow topaz in the middle that is as golden as Manon's eyes. 

Chaol frowned ", When are you going to get married?"

"I don't know."

"Do you have a color theme?"

"I don't know."

Chaol's scowl deepened ",Then we got planning to do."

Dorian glanced to his sister in law and Yrene only shrugged.


Manon had no idea what the hell she got herself into.

"Gods above, congratulation!" Elide squealed.

"I would like to know how everyone knows when Dorian and I said not to tell anyone yet."

"Uh," Lorcan started ", He told Chaol."

"I'm going to teach him a lesson," Manon said stalking for the door.

"Oh no you don't," Aelin said blocking her path.

"What do you want?"

Aelin only shrugged and asked ", Do you plan on wearing anything on your wedding day?"




Aelin sighed ", I am not having that kind of wedding in my palace."

"Who said I'm getting married in your palace?"

Aelin smiled ", Why, Dorian of course."

Manon started at a line of complaints before Aelin dragged her away.


Rowan watched as his newborn daughter grew in one day and went crazy panicking. she had grown in two days from drinking breast milk to eating food. She'd been growing fast too. From baby to 8 year old size and then to 11 year old size. And only until today it had stopped. She had stopped growing and stayed in the form of a 11 year old. Talking and walking and all.

"What the hell is going on?" Rowan cursed.

Aileen stared at him with his pine green eyes, she said ",The Lord of the North had made me grow into this form so I could practice to defend myself. From now on I will grow at normal pace."

She blinked. Once. Twice. And then the message from the legendary stag dwindled and his daughter was back.

"What is wrong with that stag?" Rowan muttered.

"What stag, Daddy?" Aileen said in her sweet and smooth voice. So much like Aelin.

"It's nothing, sweetheart."

"Will you be teaching magic, fighting, or literature?"


Aileen looked eager and yet she looked to be wiser than she so appears.  "Is there really a war?" she asked.

Rowan froze ", Who told you?"

Aileen pointed to her Fae ears ", I listen."

Rowan huffed a laugh ",You're just like your mother, always the sneaky little spy."

Aileen cocked her head ",Am I?"

"And arrogant," added Rowan.

"It's not called arrogance, it's called sass."'

"I'll call it sass, " Rowan said and grinned  ", If you show me what power you have."

Aileen snorted and splayed out both of her hands. Bright wildfire coated her right arm and burned as bright as Aelin.  Rowan marveled at the similarity between his wife and daughter.  But then a chilly swept by and Rowan froze once more and looked at his daughter's left hand.

Ice and wind swirled around it like an lion circling its prey.

"A hybrid," breathed Rowan.

Haiyo, I hoped you enjoy this chapter. I thought it'd be cool to have Aileen have like two types of powers because why not? Anyhoo, It took me like two days to finish this thing. Internet Issues. BUT I also want to share you Lysandra's daughter name. Yes, it's a girl. Anyway, this doesn't mean Lysandra is going to give birth but I want to the illusion that you guys are like gods or goddesses who know everything and the people below knowing nothing.

AND THE NAME IS.................


Eirene Frostine Ennar

Eirene mean 'peace'. Frostine means 'snow'.

So it's somewhat meaning 'peace in the snow' or 'the peace the snow brings'.

Anyway, BAI!

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