° thirty-eight °

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Can had surprisingly rushed through his dinner that night and scurried into his room, without speaking many words to his mother and sister who were left equally baffled as they watched him rush up the stairs.

It wasn't that he intended on being rude and it wasn't because he wanted to avoid them, but whilst he ate he had mulled over everything he knew in relation to Tin and had come to a conclusion. He couldn't understand what was going on with him, but he knew that he had to find out, and what better way to do so than by asking Pete? The boy could only hope that Tin's best friend had answers about what was happening, for he didn't want his concern to gradually grow without knowing what the one in question was even thinking.

Tin was complicated, truly, and Can wanted to understand him, help in any way he could, because all he wanted was for the people around him to be happy.

He knew he had to give Tin an answer for whether he'd go on a date with him or not as well, but the thought set off an odd feeling in his stomach and made him nervous. Can wasn't sure what he wanted and so he wondered if he should consider himself to be complicated too.

Flopping onto his mattress, he picked up his phone and went to his scarcely used chat with Pete, pausing only for a beat before tapping it.


Im sorry for the bother but i need
to talk to you about something important

As the always-ready-to-help guy he was, Pete replied in mere moments, which didn't surprise Can much but he was most certainly grateful for it.

You're not a bother Ai'Can!

What is it that you want to discuss??


He's weird

The three dots at the bottom indicating Pete typing, disappeared and reappeared multiple times before a reply arrived.

Has he done anything?

No no im just wondering about
his bruises

Do you know something about

Being so close to gaining even a fraction of new information made anticipation rise within Can, and he picked at his lips whilst shaking his right foot that was crossed over the other.

Bruises? What are you talking about?
Is he hurt?

The response, however, quickly brought a frown to Can's brow, confusion overriding his current expression.

Well yeah??? How could you not

His cheeks are all bruised up and
i had to clean them yesterday but
he didnt tell me what happened

I was hoping you knew but i guess
you dont


There was a pause. Once again, it seemed that Pete wrote and deleted multiple times prior to hitting send.

I didn't see him because I missed
classes today

Are they very bad?

I mean theyll pass soon but do you really not have an idea about whats going on??

SUGAR & ICE. - lbcTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang