° twenty-seven °

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It wasn't a common occurance that Can couldn't manage to sleep. Usually, he'd shut his eyes and be out like a light the moment his body collapsed upon his bed, sometimes even before having wormed himself beneath the warmth of the covers and snuggled into their comfort.

It felt out of character for him to have remained wide awake, eyes staring up at his wooden ceiling, softly illuminated by the delicate, yellow glow of his night light, when the clock had nearly reached the point of showing only zeros.

Yet there he was, frustrated because he felt exhausted but for some reason his body was betraying him, denying him that wonderful peace which sleep would give.

His Sunday had been rather uneventful. After he had replied to Tin's morning message, they didn't speak again and so Can busied himself with catching up on some school work, practicing football, and playing with Gucci, amongst other things.

Nothing extraordinary had happened, yet his mind was buzzing - exactly with what, he wasn't sure.

All he knew was that the previous day's events, which he had avoided thinking about, decided to resurface and play on a constant loop in front of his eyes, as if on a screen.

The fresh-scented smell of Tin's car, them walking abreast each other in the mall, him accidentally getting too excited about a phone model he liked, Tin coming to see and pressing his body against Can's.

It wasn't that Tin was particularly big and it wasn't that Can was particularly small, but it was at that moment that Can was made to notice their difference in height and build. Tin was warm against his side, almost welcoming enough that Can could want to hug him; the latter had a great appreciation for hugs.

And then the reel in his mind proceeded with its turning, showing them leaving, showing them arriving at Can's house, showing Tin kissing him.

Can will admit that it wasn't as bad as he expected. Perhaps the first had simply left a bad reputation for possible following ones. The taller had been more careful with his movements, less brash than that time he kissed him because, apparently, Can was being too annoying - something which still profoundly bothered him, but he decided on trying to leave in the past.

Kissing Tin was his sole experience with such an act of intimacy, and he could only wonder if it felt the same with girls.

He tried to shut his eyes, but the moment he did, he could feel the touch of Tin's hand upon his cheek, see his face leaning closer and closer until - he huffed.

Can's hand reached out from under the blankets to pick up his second phone on his bedside table and turn it on.

Would Techno or Type be online? Maybe Ae?

Going onto Techno and his' chat, he typed in a couple hurried messages in the hopes that even if his senior wasn't currently active, he could grab his attention and chat for a while until he dosed off.



Pno please answer me hsjbahsh i can't sleep ):

Are you already asleep p????

Come talk with me i'm lonely

I'm feeling abandoned during such a hard time so please be kind and come online pno ):


A minute passed and then two, and yet a reply from his senior never arrived. Can sighed in resignation and left the chat to bother Type instead, when he noticed that tiny green circle beside Tin's profile picture.

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