° thirty-seven °

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"I am?"

The taller seemed shocked at hearing such a thing, for he didn't consider himself as someone who was easily understood, but Can nodded, jaw jutted outward prior to replying.


"I didn't think I was."

"Mm, it's only because I'm very smart."

Tin snorted, which made Can snap his eyes onto him with a fiery glare.

"What? Don't you think I'm smart?"

"Oh yes, considering you're from the Thai Programme."

It wasn't meant to be rude as such, and Can was aware of that so he retaliated with a scoff, beginning to walk past the other and towards the exit leading onto the parking lot.

"It's not like you're much better. Don't you work at the café?"

From behind him he heard Tin's following steps briefly halt and then resume, and it pinched at his curiousity.

Should he have not mentioned his average occupation?

"Yes, I do."

Nothing else was said on the topic and once they were in the lot, Can stopped and turned towards the other, wanting to politely tell him goodbye, but Tin had an another idea, as he stood still for a few seconds too long, hesitating.

"Uh, bye, Ai'Tin," Can eventually spoke up, wanting to cut the heavy situation short.

"Ah uhm, I wanted to ask if you wanted a ride home."

It was the footballer's turn to pause, weighing out his options whilst considering Tin's feelings.

He wouldn't really dislike not having to walk his way home after such a tiresome practice, and the other would be disappointed if he said no, so. . . a win-win situation?

"Yeah, okay," he agreed with a shrug, hardly noticing the relief on Tin's face, "Thanks."

The taller gave a small smile.

"No problem."

Tin lead the way to his vehicle parked in the shadiest spot with Can on his tail, for once not saying a word until the doors were unlocked and they sat in their respective seats.

"I'll never get over how nice this car is," he casually commented whilst fitting his seatbelt on, Tin doing the same.

"Well, you can come ride in it whenever you want, Cantaloupe."

Oh, wow. Great. This was how it was going to be, wasn't it?

"Ai'Tin, I swear on my dinner that if you call me by that name again I'll bite you."

The engine revved and the car began pulling out of its parking space, Tin smirking as he twisted the wheel and started leaving the campus.

"Alright, Can. No need for violence."

Thinking he got through to him, Can gave a strong nod and crossed his arms, staring ahead until he found himself wanting to steal a glance or two at the other. He wasn't aware for how long these glances lasted, but a good way into their drive Tin turned to look at him and then back to the street, a smug smile on his lips and amusement in his eyes.

"Do I have dirt on my face, Cantaloupe?"

"That's it. Stop the car. I'm getting out."

Tin shook his head, right hand waving off the latter's angry words in disregard.

"Sorry, sorry."

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