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Merry Christmas, y'all!  This is my (post-) Christmas one-shot (since I don't know how to be punctual).  Spend time with the people you love this holiday season, make plans for the new year (and stick with them) and spread positivity!  

Remember, tragedy is not the only thing that can unite us.  Love, open-mindedness, and the ability to learn are so much stronger.  Do your best and do your part, but more than that, encourage others to do the same.  You have my support, always.  

Without further ado, have some self-indulgence :D

Alex shuffled drearily to the bedroom. The sun was long gone, and moonlight and the headlights of passing cars lit the hallway with a glow that made him want to be quiet, though he knew sinkingly that his boyfriend was still awake.

"John?" he gently asked, knocking on the doorframe of his and his boyfriend's shared office. "Honey, you've got to get to bed."

John let out a muffled noise from where he sat in front of his computer, filling in some charts. "Can't, babe. You sleep, I'll be there in a sec, promise."

"Yes you can, no I won't, and no you won't," Alex replied, tone almost reprimanding, fully expecting that kind of response of out John. "Come with me to sleep now. You've been up for twenty-two hours."

The tone was enough for John to lift his hands from his keyboard. It wasn't commanding or harsh, but it was definitely still a demand, though caringly placed.

What really stilled his typing fingers was the concern laced through his boyfriend's gravelly, exhausted voice, and it was uncharacteristically soft.

"I just gotta--" John started.

"No." It was a partially a plea, partially a whine. There was a light desperation in the sound, and John could feel the tone reach out with a hurting hand and squeeze his heart.

John heard his boyfriend approach, felt him rest his elbows on his shoulders, saw the computer light diminish as his shut the lid. He didn't realize how much his eyelids ached until the harsh glow was gone.

"Come to sleep now," Alex murmured, tilting up John's chin with his thumb and first finger. "You're overworking yourself, sweetie."

"Alex, I just... got stuff to get done," he weakly replied, feeling distantly in his brain that he could stick it out for a few more hours, that he could finish his charts.

"I know, J, I know." Alex dropped down, squatting so he was balancing on his toes. His hand rest on John's knee, his thumb soothingly, absentmindedly, stroking the fabric back and forth. "But you need sleep. It's not healthy for you to be awake this long, and I love you," he whispered lowly, leaning up to give John a kiss. It was soft and lingering, and John felt that little, distant part in his brain crumble away.

His hand gently moved to rest on Alex's cheek and he lovingly kissed his boyfriend's lower lip, catching it softly between his teeth before pulling away and slowly rising, helping Alex to his feet.

"I love you too," John murmured back, not realizing how long he had been sitting in that chair until he took a few steps and felt his muscles resist. "I'm sorry."

Alex hummed in response, sliding his hand warmly up John's back so it rested between his shoulder blades. When they entered the bedroom, Alex tugged John into bed, draping himself over the man, curling over, and wrapping his limbs around him.

John let out a quiet mmph and rolled over so Alex's face was nuzzled to his chest and he pressed a light kiss to Alex hair, to which he distantly noticed hadn't been washed in a couple of days.

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