Laser Tag

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The lights went out. John grinned, feeling adrenaline flood through him. His gun was heavily reassuring in his hands and his finger wrapped comfortably around the trigger. He silently ran up a ramp and crouched, hearing little kids shriek with delight around him.

Small beams of light arced off the walls and little electronic beeps of people getting shot and being deactivated flooded John's senses. Two kids crouched near him, and John swung to point his gun at them, making them squeal and jump about.

"Johnny, we're on your team!" The girl, Frances, reminded him quickly. A little boy that John quickly recognized as Philip, peeked out from where he hid behind Frances' back.

"Hi Frances, hey Philip, have you guys gotten anyone yet?" John whispered, though the upbeat music was blasting loudly enough that he didn't need to.

"No, Philip's scared and he wants you to protect him!" Frances grinned and pushed the little boy forward.

"I'm not scared, Fran," Philip said, sounding in fact very calm. "But it increases my chances of staying alive if I hang out with dead weight like you."


"I'll protect you both," John assured them, though he had about as much experience with laser tag as a stuffed hedgehog. "Their base is over there, guys. See it?" He gestured to a small hole meant for sniping and the two kids crowded around it and scanned for where John was pointing.

"Where is it? I don't see it, where is it?" Frances whined, shoving Philip to the side, who leaned back against the wall where John was crouching and rolled his eyes, fiddling with his trigger.

"Oh, I don't know," Philip remarked dryly. "Maybe it's the big neon box that says 'BASE' on it in capital letters?"

John snorted and Frances swatted at Philip's head. "You dummy, that's not helpful! Oh wait, I see it now!"

"You two go ahead over there," John urged the kids. "I'll watch your back."

"But wait --" Frances started, but John pushed them forward.

"I hear footsteps, guys, go!" John whispered frantically, and the kids dispersed, squealing as they ran off in the dark.

John went a completely separate direction, making sure his own footsteps were loud in hopes of letting Philip and Frances escape.

After a few minutes of quiet, John was sure he was alone. He glanced around and continued moving forward, hoping to get some points by shooting someone.

He peered around a corner and was met with another person, clad in black. John quickly tried to dart away but the figure fired a warning beam of light at the ceiling, allowing John to just make out who the person was.

Alexander was leaning casually back against a wall, gun now pointed directly at John's chest. "Well, look who finally showed up." Alex's smirk was both endearingly and infuriatingly big, a smirk that John still hadn't gotten used to even after years of working together as camp counselors. "I've been waiting for you."

John blinked and flushed a little bit. He and Alex weren't exactly together, but it was kind of obvious, even to each other, that they were really into one another. Neither of the men had acted on their feelings yet, however, besides flirting and sexual jokes. John bit his lip as he glanced around for a way out. If he ran back the way he came, Alex would just shoot him and it'd be game over. So he stepped closer, raising his gun as well.

"You know, it's too bad we're on different teams," Alex drawled, smirk morphing into a sly grin. "There are so many other things I'd rather do to you in the dark than shoot you."

Arousal spiked through John and his grip on his gun almost slipped. Quickly, though, he made sure his expression was what he wanted it to be. Oh, you want to play this game, Alexander?

If that's what Alex wanted to do, John had no problem with it. He boldly placed his hand over the end of Alex's gun and forced it down so it pointed at the ground. Stepping closer so he was less than half a foot away from Alex, he raised an eyebrow and let his lips curve into a teasing smirk.

"Oh, really? And what, exactly, would you do?" John breathed, his lips almost against Alex's ear, his fingers brushing ever-so-lightly against Alex's stomach, through his shirt.

Alex sucked in a shaky breath, and his lips parted. As much as John could see that Alex was having difficulty controlling himself, John wasn't doing much better. His heart was pounding as he trailed his fingers up Alex's chest. The two had never been this intimately, physically close before. He didn't know exactly what he was doing, but what he did know was that they both liked it, and if John could get Alex all hot and bothered, then he wasn't stopping.

"Would you do this?" John whispered, rolling his hips up against Alex's, pressing him into the wall. Alex's head tipped back and he let out a breathy, pleasured noise in the back of his throat.

"Oh-- God, John... " Alex groaned, eyes half-closed, lashes fluttering. John distantly heard Alex's gun dropping to the ground.

John, despite being beyond turned on himself, couldn't help but tease Alex a little more. "Would you do this?" he breathed again, letting his lips brush Alex's earlobe.

John slid his hand under the bottom of Alex's shirt and vest and flitted his fingers across Alex's stomach. Alex's breath hitched and he whimpered ever so slightly.

John couldn't stand it anymore. Alex, weak and desperate under his touch was more than John could handle so he growled, "Or would you do this?"

And John pinned Alex to the wall, knees and hips touching, his hand on Alex's chest, and kissed him roughly.

Alex moaned, opening his mouth under John, and more arousal shot through him so he kissed Alex more lustily, with more force and more passion.

After a couple seconds of hard-core making out, John tried to gather his thoughts even though his mind was thoroughly blown. Alex was a damn good kisser. How did this happen? John found himself wondering, briefly. Oh yeah, I remember now...

John ran his fingers down Alex's side and the top of his thigh, coaxing another shudder and groan out of Alex, and John drew away from the kiss and stepped back ever so slightly.

"John..." Alex breathing out his name mixed with the dark desire in his eyes made John want to just take Alex there and then, against the wall, but John steeled himself. This was a laser tag arena.

Remembering his initial goal, John shot Alex in the chest three times.

Alex's vest lit up red, casting a glow over his and John's face. John couldn't help staring at Alex's disheveled look, his eyes dark and wanting, his cheeks flushed and lips bruised. He felt another trail of desire flood down his body until Alex glanced down at his chest, registering what just happened, and then looked back at John, eyes narrowing.

John was gone, grin blown wide on his face, heart racing, running back into the dark before Alex could even pick up his gun.

A/N: Well... that was a little more raunchy than I intended...


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